#2 T's and O's

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In honor of me finishing The Legend of Korra series, I have decided to make a Thoughts and Opinions chapter dedicated to LOK. If you haven't watched the series I recommend it 100%. I warn you though, it's very frustrating, but I promise by the last episode, you'll be very happy. The Avatar: The Last Airbender and LOK are on Kisscartoon.com. You're welcome. With all of that being said. I will not give all of my thoughts and opinions until I start my next book, which will be about LOK.

#1 The Korra, Asami, and Mako love triangle was garbage. In the beginning, something about it was really irking me. First I was like, it's Asami. She's making a big deal of Mako caring for Korra, and it's annoying. Then I realized, she had every right to feel that way because Mako was crushing on Korra, and it was obvious, not only that, he lied about it numerous times and technically cheated on her! I also realized what the real problem was all along, it was Korra! Don't get me wrong, Mako was a dog too, but Korra was a snake since the beginning! I don't care if she didn't like Asami, (even though she didn't even try to get to know her first, she was just jealous) going after Mako when he was taken was a trashy move. So Korra and Mako were both snakes, and Asami deserved better. The fact they just started dating like Asami didn't even matter in season 2 really freaking bothered me (there's a lot of things in season 2 that bothered me though, oop tea). In the real world, if Asami were to kick Korra and Mako's ass, she'd have every right, BUT if I had to choose, in season 1~3, I shipped Asami with Mako 100% more than Mako and Korra. I did lowkey ship her and Bolin at times though. The very last episode, I was a true believer in Korrasami. When they went into the spirit world, we all knew what was about to go down.

#2 The best episodes were when the OG GAANG were involved, and the story of Won, the first Avatar. When Aang trolled that dude who was bloodbending him and then took his bending away, I was cracking up, and when Sokka was talking about boomerang, it messed with my nostalgic feelings, but let me tell you the best part. When Zuko and Iroh freaking showed up, I was hyped man! Zuko was still a badass! He rode off on his dragon like nobodies business. When Iroh showed up, my tears were flowing man. LOK did something right!

#3 Now, as much as I Love LOK, and I highly recommend watching it, this must be said.. KORRA SINGLE HANDEDLY RUINED AANGS (and all the past Avatars) LEGACY.. I will touch more on that my next book, till then, to be continued..

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