Winter Solstice: Into the Fire

358 13 2

Word count: 2,956

Zuko and I have been following a trail of ostrich horse prints for the past hour. The sun is setting and it's starting to get cold. The wind is giving off a chill as the trees slightly rustle in the breeze. I rest my head on Zuko's back, and I sigh. I just want uncle back..

"Are you ok back there?" Zuko asks.

"I'm fine."

I don't want to burden him. Yeah I might be freezing to death, but I know he's worried about uncle. I don't blame him, I am, too.

Sure uncle was general of the Fire Nation, but he isn't so bad. At least, not anymore he isn't. Now he's kind, compassionate, and makes great tea. Why would anyone want to capture him? He's turned over a new leaf... Literally! All he does is make tea!

As we are riding through the forest, Zuko halts his rhino and hops off. He leans forward and inspects something on the ground. I can't quite see what it is.

"Look," he says as holds up an old musty flipflop.

"Uncle's shoe!"

"We're on the right track, let's go."

We continue our search through the woods until we hear a loud rustling in the trees. It's- it's Appa! And there's Katara! Probably going to that nearby town we road past earlier. We immediately stop again. This is annoying, I wish Zuko would stop getting distracted and get back to finding uncle.

I look at Zuko who is intensely following Appa with his gaze.

Is he really about to follow them instead of finding uncle?


"Shut up," he says, and we continue to follow the trail leading to uncle.

I'm proud of you.


We stop at a hill, and down below is uncle with a rock hovering over his hands! He is surrounded by 5 earthbending soldiers.

"They're gonna break his hands, what are we gonna do?" I whisper in a panic.

"You're going to stay here while I go help uncle."

I want to help, but I need to listen to Zuko this time... Mostly because I can't fight, especially earthbenders.


Everything happened so fast. Zuko ran down there and kicked the boulder hovering over uncle's hands into pieces. Then he crushed uncle's chains, setting him free. It was so cool! He crushed that boulder like he was an earthbender himself.

Why can't he do this? He'd be a wonderful soldier to help end this war. He's strong, determined, and shows no fear. Instead, he's busy chasing the Avatar around the world for his family who's turned their backs on him.

I watch as the earthbenders are buried under the rubble. You'd think because they're earthbenders this wouldn't happen, but here we are.

"Yess, whoo!" I cheer from on top of the hill. "That was awesome! Fire Nation power!"


"What a day," Uncle says while patting his belly.

"I know. I'm glad you're safe, uncle. We're going back to the ship now, right?" I ask.

I really hope we're going back to the ship.

"We're going to find out where the Avatar is heading. I have a feeling those people in that town should know."

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now