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Word count: 2,175

My aching back!

I awaken from the most terrible, dreamless sleep I've ever had, and my body aching. I can't remember anything, everything is just so fuzzy to me right now. What happened before I passed out.

"Ugh," I moan in discomfort.

"Nice to see you with the living again."

Oh, it's just Wang. He's sat across the room in my chair. His legs crossed, his eyes bloodshot, and his hair frizzy from either his helmet, or from dealing with me all night, either way he looks awful. I think he needs a nap.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"3 days," He answers nonchalantly.

"3 Days!? I'm confused, what happened? Why was I asleep for so long?" I ask.

"You really don't remember anything, do you?"

"Hmm, lets see. I was sick and losing my mind, so you took me out to get some air. Zuko ordered Patyn to take me back to bed, then you came back, then I.. I-"

"Then you sneezed and passed out."

"No.. I sneezed and blew you across the room! Oh my gosh, I cannot be an airbender! There has to be another explanation. Maybe we dreamt it?"

"Come on, Coco. We both know that's not true. We both dreamt the same thing at the same time?" He asks rhetorically. "You're an airbender."

"How did this happen? I was born in the Fire Nation. My grandfather could firebend. If anything, I should be a firebender!"

"I don't know. Maybe somewhere down the line someone in your family was an airbender?"

"This is bad, this is really bad."

"Why?" He asks. "I think it's awesome. My sister! THE AIRBENDER-"

"Hush up, will you?" I say as I clamp my hand over his mouth. "If anyone finds out, I'll be killed."

"Come on, you know uncle won't let that happen?"

"I'm not so sure. Zuko is the Prince of the Fire Nation, he has jurisdiction over uncle. If he were to find out, uncle's word wouldn't matter. Plus, did you forget what his ancestors did to the airbenders? If the Fire Nation gets word that I can airbend, and I've been traveling with Zuko this entire time, every one here will be killed, even Zuko and uncle!"

"I guess you're right. So what now, how are you going to practice? Maybe find the Avatar and join him?"

"No, not any of that."

"What, why not?" Wang asks confusingly.

"If anyone sees me airbending, especially Zuko or Zhao, I'll be killed. As much as I love Aang, I don't know how he can handle being constantly attacked, and I dont know if I can handle that kind of pressure."

"Bending is a gift, Coco! I don't think holding it in is a good idea."

"I know, but I have to. I just have to figure out what I'm going to do. Then maybe I'll start testing my abilities."

"Ok, so what are your plans for today?" He asks.

"Act completely normal, act like nothing ever happened."

"Sure, just don't act awkward. You do that sometimes," he adds.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go."

We walk out of my quarters side by side like nothing ever happened. We end up outside and we spot uncle, Zuko, and a few crewmen. I close the door and they look at Wang and I as we entered, lounging around. They look at me like they've seen a ghost.

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now