Elegance (A\N)

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Hey y'all, so I have some great news! I'm working on another story. I told y'all I would give you a LOK story, and I am! It's called Elegance, and it's about Mako and Bolin's younger sister, Li Na, and her take on working with the Avatar, all while dealing with insecurities of her own. The book is narrated by both younger Li Na and older Li Na, I know it sounds confusing, but it'll make more sense when you read it, I promise. I'm actually writing it on paper and then type it up on here. I'll publish it after I'm done writing the first five chapters, so look out for that. This book will also have T' and O's (Thoughts and Opinions) just like this book, so you'll be able to understand what I think of the series, and I'd also like to see what you guys think as well. Elegance is also a good book to read if you've never watched LOK. It has a lot of details about the show. With all that being said, I will be updating this book soon, so please be patient, book 2 is coming to an end, and soon book 3 will be here, so beware!

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now