The Hour of Black Sun

168 7 8

word count: 1,998



Today is the day.

Today is the day.


The day Aang has been preparing for, the day the world has anticipated for over 100 years now. Today, the Avatar faces the Firelord. I'm scared for Aang. He's one of my best friends, and he's so young. I can't imagine having to do what he does. He has to end a war that wiped out our people 100 years ago. Compared to Aang, I'm the biggest coward that ever walked this planet. I couldn't do that, I couldn't battle the Firelord. I'm already on edge with the thought alone of running into that old friend my mother was talking about.

I try to stay positive, but it's hard. I don't know where my family is, including uncle, I don't know where Wang is, Patyn scarred me, and Zuko betrayed me, it's nearly impossible to look on the bright side of things. And Aang has already been hurt by Azula! I love the kid, but I'm worried that Ozai will do the same thing to him, or worse. Katara doesn't have anymore healing water from the North Pole. I'm afraid next time... There won't be a next time, and I don't want to live in a world where the Avatar is destroyed and Ozai wins.

Sokka has been working with his space sword and perfecting his combat skills. Katara and Toph have been practicing their bending skills, and Aang has been freaking out about facing Ozai. He still hasn't mastered firebending, and when Azula struck him with lightning, his chakra was blocked and it's preventing him from entering the Avatar state.

Since telling my friends about my secret, I've come to love using my airbending. I just feel so free! And I finally feel like my true self. It just sucks that Sozin tried to rid us of this. The world deserves to know just how wonderful the airbenders were, and that Sozin was the real monster. Growing up in the Fire Nation, the Airbenders were constantly villainized. I'm just glad I know the truth, and who can say that the Avatar is their master?

I've learned so much from Aang. I'm doing really well with my training, and Aang said when he's done with me, I'll be able to get my arrows- which is still years away, but still exciting! I feel like I'm a real airbender. It's scary, but at the same time, I like it. I like the feeling of the air moving through my fingertips, I like the feeling of feeling free. I've come a long way, but I find myself being more accepting that this is who I am. I'm just really scared of Aang and I being captured, and once they get us, all of the airbenders will be officially wiped out of existence. They wouldn't kill Aang right away because they know he'd just be reincarnated, but they'd get rid of me immediately.

The troops arrived awhile ago. Of course Hakoda and his men are here, and they brought along some earthbenders. The Boulder and Hippo who have some weird beef with Toph for some odd reason, and swamp benders, who by the way, don't wear paints. We also have some friends who the Gaang met along the way ... like Haru. He's kinda cute, and he has a cool mustache. We get along nicely.

I walk through the crowded group of people and hand them all a steaming cup of tea, uncle's recipe of course. I approach a tall figure who's back is facing me, I don't think I've met him yet. I poke his back trying to get his attention. The man turns around, and I am met with the kind gaze of my brother!


Tears immediately start streaming down my face at the sight of my brother. I drop the tray of tea I was holding and I tackle him in a hug, which he returns. He lifts me off the ground and caresses my head.

"You made it, you're actually here! Where's dad? Dad!" I yell.

Of course I look for him. If my brother is here, then I know my dad is here.

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now