Details and the Hot Headed Prince

224 12 5

Word count: 1,546


"So, how was it?"

I walk in my room after the most perfect night of my entire life to see Wang sitting on my bed waiting for my return.

"Missed me already?" I tease.

"I don't know how I survived," he says sarcastically and smiles teasingly.

"Well... It was absolutely perfect!"

"I want details, Missy!"

"I don't kiss and tell," I smirk.

"No way, you kissed?!"

"Ok, let me start from the beginning-"

Flashback begins~

'Ugh, this is too much. Why did I let Wang do my makeup? We're just going for a walk!' I think to myself. 'Is this even a date? I mean, I want it to be, but the question is, does Chain?... Well, he did say it's a date, did he not? Ah! I can't remember-'

"Uh huh."

I turn around to see Chain in all of his glory. He looks marvelous, and he's not wearing his Fire Nation gear. It makes him look less intimidating.

"Hi," I say with a wave.

"You look beautiful."

"Thanks! You look amazing, too," I compliment him as we start our walk. "I've never seen you without your uniform before."

"Yeah, I look forward to the end of my shifts. The uniforms are so stuffy. If it were up to me, they'd be much nicer."

"Yeah, but I think you look nice."

"You think so?" He asks.

"Yeah, but also pretty intimidating."

"I'm intimidating? You have no idea do you?"

"What?" I ask confused.

"You're the most intimidating person on the ship!" He laughs.

"Psh, you're joking! I'm literally 2 ft tall, I have no upper body strength, and I'm as scary as a bunny-roo! How is that intimidating?" I laugh.

"Yeah, but it's different. You're the only girl on the ship, and everyone wants to impress you. It would be different if you were just there or whatever, but you actually talk to us and care. We haven't had that in awhile, and we all just want to impress you."

"I'm just being a decent humanbeing, how is that intimidating?" I ask.

"You tend to forget what being a decent human being is when you've been at war for so long," he explains.

"Hm, I guess so."

We walk in silence for a moment. It's getting darker and darker by the moment, and his next shift should be starting soon, so our journey should be coming to an end shortly.

'The silence is nice, but I can't help but feel a little anxious. This is my first date,' I think to myself.

"I guess we should get back," I suggest. "Ya know... Because you have to get back early and all. I don't want to be responsible for your death if you wake up late."

"My death?" He asks confused.

"Yeah, Zuko will kill you if you're late for your shift."

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now