The Boiling Escape

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These 3 are trouble. Of course I know Azula, she did ruin my life, but I vaguely remember Zuko telling me about her friends who I only recognize from Ba Sing Se. Zuko wasn't the most vocal when we were traveling together, if you remember correctly. The pink one chi blocked us! I believe she is named Tylee. This chick has no bones! And every time we meet, she always has a smile on her face. I find it odd that she's traveling with Azula. She just seems too nice and too pure for Azula's corrupt life style. The other girl, Mai? Well, she seems cool and really above Azula's life style. I see why Zuko fell for her. She's laid back, but also kinda scary. Her aim is impeccable and she can kill any one of us in 2.5 seconds with those little knives. Maybe Azula has something over them because I don't see how any one can be friends with that.

Azula and Tylee are on the roof of the other gondola trying to kill us! Yes, on top of the gondola over a boiling hot lake! I wonder what it's like being that fearless. I'm guessing you have to be at least a little bit insane.

I've been practicing my air bending with Suki when we were locked in our cell at night, as I've gotten really good. I can blow them off the roof If I can just get the chance, that's all I need. I want so desperately for her to go away.

"Sokka, let me help!" I plead.

"No! You're hurt, stay here."

I huff and cross my arms over my chest in frustration. I can't just sit around and do nothing, what if one of them falls into the lake?

Zuko, Sokka, Suki, and Hakoda are now on top of our gondola fighting Azula and Tylee, and we... are not winning, but we're not losing either. From the area I'm in, I can see Azula take her hand and throw a huge ball of blue fire at Zuko, luckily he redirects it towards her. Something in me wanted to explode. It was like a match being lit.

"That's it!" I exclaim feeling angry.

I try to stand up, but my brother yanks my arm and forcibly sits me back down. I don't get it. It's just, Azula firing at Zuko enrages me! Zuko betrayed me and is responsible for uncle being taken away from me... but I don't think I want him to die, especially in the hands of Azula. My hatred for her over powers my dislike of Zuko.

"Sorry, shorty."

This sucks.

I look at the warden who is tied up, his mouth tapped shut, and still being held by Rhino. I get up to face him so he can look me directly in my eyes. This man has caused me nothing but pain, physically and emotionally. Finally, justice is served.
I can't stand the fact that we come from the same place. I wish the rest of the world can see that we're not all bad, and a lot of us are on their side.

"I hope after we're done here, I get to personally push you down the cliff side and into the boiling lake."

He narrows his eyes at me  and I give him a sickly sweet smile. I'm an airbender, but as much as I want to stay true to the culture, I am still filled with rage.

"You're such an ugly man, inside and out. I'd rather get 1,000 beatings then to look at you. You had such potential to be great. You could've helped thousands and end this war, but you're nothing but a monster, and it's sad- You're sad."

He starts moving his face all around. What's he doing?

-He's trying to get the tape off!

Before I can even warn Rhino, the warden manages to slip the tape off his mouth.

"Cut the line!" He yells to his guards, and they do. Those idiots actually do.

Guess who one of those idiots are... Patyn. I hate him so much, I can't believe I ever dated him. I know airbenders are suppose to be peaceful, but I can't help the way I feel. I'm just so tired of bad things happening. Our world has been under attack for far too long, because of people like them, I'm sick of it!

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now