After Storm: The Blue Spirit

223 11 5

Word count: 1,102


Ugh, the past few days have been rough. First it started off with a scratchy throat, then a cough, and now we're here. Soar throat, cough, throbbing head, runny nose, and just completely out of my mind. I guess it's not completely bad. Uncle, Wang, and my boyfriend Patty, or is it Patyn? Anyways, they've been taking great care of me!

Yes, I said boyfriend, and im not saying that bwcause I'm delirious. The night after the storm, Patty Cake and I went on another date. He took me to a small restaurant in town and asked me to be his girlfriend. It was so romantic with the sun setting in front of us as we sealed our relationship with a passionate kiss.

Patrick is the perfect boyfriend. He's obviously protective, which I don't mind, but we have so much fun together, and I enjoy his company. Being my first boyfriend, I do find myself getting nervous a little bit, I get major butterflies. I just want to be a good girlfriend. I know I can be annoying and immature, he tells me all the time, but I know I can be the perfect girlfriend. I just need to do better, be better.

"Aww, how's my wittle sister doing? Is your nose still stuffy wuffy?" Wang asks while welcoming himself in my room.

He's been talking baby gibberish to me ever since I fell sick, and it is really annoying.

"Stop!" I whine with my voice congested.

"Okay, I'm sorry. How are you feeling?"

"Why are we under water? Oh gosh, we're drowning!" I exclaim.

Here's the thing, I know what I say in my head makes sense to me, but when it comes out, it doesn't make sense to anybody else. I guess I'm just smarter than everyone else.

"Hey, calm down. You're ok. Maybe you just need some air. Let's take a walk upfront, yeah?"

"That sounds nice, Wing. Achoo!" I sneeze.

"Whoa!" He says with a step back. "That was quite a sneeze."

"Sorry," I apologize while wiping my nose on my sleeve.

I get up from my bed, and Wang grabs my blanket and wraps it around my body for extra warmth.

"It's still cold out."

We silently walk on deck where we are welcomed by the smell of seasalt and a small ocean breeze. I know it sounds great, but truthfully, I am so sick of the ocean. I've been sailing for what seems like forever. I miss land, I miss the smell of food, I miss not smelling salt,I miss hanging out around people. The crew is great, don't get me wrong, but I need, I don't know, more?

Up ahead at the railing, I see Prince Zuzu looking out at the seas.

So dramatic, yet so pretty.

Wang leads me to the railing to stand beside him.

"Hello, Prince Zuko. Look who came up for some air."

He looks down at me with his always intimidating eyes and says nothing.

"Um, I need to handle something. I'll return quickly," Wang says as he flies away.

"Zuko! Look over there, it's huge!"

I point out towards the ocean at the huge whale coming towards us.

"Coco," he says as he looks out. "There's nothing there!"

"Ohhh, are you sure?"

"Um, yeah."

"Oh, ok." I cough. "Zuko?"


"Why are you sad?" I ask

"Well, I guess I can tell you since you're sick out of your mind," he says as he sighs in discouragement. "I'm worried. Zhao has made it his mission to capture the Avatar. What if he does? Then I can never return home."

"Listen here," I say as I point to him.

"Um, over here."

I turn to the direction his voice is coming from.

Oh, oops.

"Listen here, you are a really good fire bendy! If your father can't see how wonderful and dedicated you are, then he doesn't deserve to be in your Birthday presents. Your daddy is dumb, and Zhao is ugly, and stupid, and to incompetent to find the Avaltar."

"Yeah, ok," he mutters.

"Uncle Iron is proud of you, and don't tell Zuko, but I am impressed by you."

"Really?" He asks.

"Yes, and I know I don't make much sense right now because I'm the smartest one here, but I mean it. You're not so bad. Your teenage boy hormones are annoying though, and sometimes I feel like you're gonna kill me, but you're kinda hot."

"Thank you?"

"If you don't like what's happening, and you can stop Zhao, do it," I continue. "Only one stopping you, is you."

That was so deep- wait, do I want him to catch the Avatar? I can't remember.

"I know you're out of your mind right now," he starts, "but that was pretty smart. You're right."

We stand there in a comfortable silence for awhile, looking out into the sea.


"Hmm?" He answers.

"I'm an Airbender."


"Yeah, I sneezed and it blew Wang off his feet."

"That's enough air for you, guard!" He yells.

I turn to see Patty running towards us.

"Yes, Prince Zuko?"

"Take Coco to her room, and make sure she gets into bed. And bring her medicine."

"Yes, sir."

Paddle takes me by the shoulders and starts to lead me to my room.

"Patty?" I stop him midway.

"It's Patyn."

"Oh, ok. Patty?"

"Uh," he sighs. "Yes?"

"You're my boyfriend."

He chuckles as he gives me a smile.

"And you're my girlfriend."

"Oh yeah."

We make it to my quarters and I plop down on my bed. I look up at Patty. As I was about to speak, Wang walks through the doorway.

"Sorry, Bug, I'm back. Long, the captain needs you."

"I'll be back, Love."

"Bye, Patrick!"

He leaves Wang and I alone, and then there were two.


My nose has been stuffed all day. I can feel a sneeze coming, I shut my eyes and-



I open my eyes to see Wang in a spot where he wasn't a moment ago. He's all the way across the room, his body pressed against the wall, and he's upside down. His eyes wide, like he's seen a ghost.

"How.. how did you get over there so fast?" I ask nervously.

"I don't know," he answers.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't know! We were talking and then you.." He trails off.

We look at each other in shock.

"I sneezed."

"Just like earlier," he replies. "And now I'm here."

Oh my gosh, am I-

"Am I an Airbender?!"


Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now