The Wisdom of Uncle Iroh

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Word count: 622

*important chapter


I didn't sleep all that well last night. I couldn't stop thinking about Chain, or Pa-tyn, and our date. It was perfect, which is why I'm so anxious. Tonight, Patyn and I are going out again. I enjoy his company, and I want this to last. I'm just scared I'll run out of things to say.

What should I talk about this time? What if I'm boring and he only agreed to go out with me again because he feels bad for me? Or what if he's just using me? Ugh, that jerk! I should cancel. Yeah, that'll be the smart thing to do.

"Are you lost?"

I turn to see Uncle Iroh standing there with a cup tea.

"Oh, no. I just needed some fresh air. I've managed to learn my way around the ship decently, so I should be able to find my quarters no problem-"

"I mean," he cuts me off, "you seem confused, lost in your thoughts. What's troubling you?"

"How can you tell something's troubling me?" I ask confused.

"It's written on your face."

"Huh?" I ask confusingly.

"You bunch your eyebrows and scrunch your nose."

"Oh. I guess..."

"What is it?" He asks.

"Thank you for caring, uncle, but you wouldn't be interested. Just stupid teenage girl problems."

"Of course I'm interested! I've heard enough stupid teenage boy problems, I could go for some stupid teenage girl problems. Now, what's the problem? Is it the argument you had with Prince Zuko?"

"You heard about that? Does everyone know?" I ask as my eyes widen with embarrassment.

"No, I was listening at the door."

"Uncleee, but no. I went on a date last night, and I have another tonight."

"Ahh, who's the lucky fellow?" He asks.

"Patyn Long, one of Zuko's men."

"Patyn," he corrects.

"Whatever," I mutter.

"So Chain, huh? Interesting choice. Why are you nervous?"

"I'm just scared I'll run out of things to say and he'll find me boring."

"When I was a young man, I met a woman. She was the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on. I never talked to her, and I always watched as she'd leave the palace to go out with men who was interested in her, but for all the wrong reasons. One day, I was so fed up with seeing her with someone else, I got the courage to ask her on a date, and she said yes. I was so nervous, I thought I wouldn't have anything to talk about. One date eventually turned into three more, and three dates eventually turned into a date every 6th day at dusk dark. The more we went out, the more we had to talk about, and our conversations became even better."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"When you're around someone you're comfortable with, and someone you can trust, you won't have to worry about running out of the right words to say, they'll just come to you."

"I never thought about it like that, I guess you're right. Last night when we talked, it was natural. I wasn't worried about what I should say next."

"See? It's all in your head," uncle tells me. "But Kimi, keep in mind that Patyn Long is a high ranking guard for the Fire Nation. I just don't want you to get overwhelmed. You're young, and sometimes this lifestyle can be a bit, um, stressful, so be careful."

"I will. Thank you, uncle."

"My pleasure, dear."

As he starts to walk away, I have to ask him one last thing.

"Uncle, what happened with you and the woman?"

"We welcomed our son into the world."


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