The Gala; The Return

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Before you read this chapter, I want to clarify a few things. I don't know when Aang and Katara first had Bumi, I don't know when they started building Republic City, and I don't know if Sokka and Suki were together after the series was over. I made this entire chapter up, so please keep that in mind.

Happy reading y'all!


word count: 2,433


My journey back to Ba Sing Se was long, and not the most pleasant. If only I had an ostrich horse right now, It would've been easier than tripping over logs, being stung by bear wasps, and being smacked in the face with tree branches. Ya know, I've lived outside for five years, I've traveled with with both the firelord and the Avatar, and yet here I am, almost at the brink of death. Of course we did have Appa, so... Maybe I'm just spoiled.

I decided to come to Ba Sing Se first because I want to see uncle, Li, and my father... And I kinda have absolutely no idea where the Gaang is. Zuko is most likely in the Fire Nation, but there's no telling where Aang, Katara, Sokka, Suki, or Toph is. I know it's been years since the war's ended, but it's weird to think we won't be together everyday anymore. I haven't seen them in 5 years, but I never thought about how different it's going to be when we reunite. We're all grown up now. No more traveling on Appa for days at a time to find Aang a master.

I took a short cut through a wooded area in hopes of arriving to town quicker, when I trip over something really hard. I land with a thud.

Ow! Why is the ground trying to hurt me so bad?!

I look over my shoulder to see a weird looking thing sticking out of the ground.

"What the-"

I crawl over to the... whatever it is.

Maybe it's a hammer? But who the heck would bury a hammer? This could be something dangerous, a bomb maybe... I'm gonna pull it.

Ugh, it's not budging! I pull and pull until finally.. success!

What is this?

Wait, I've seen this before, but from where? I know I've seen it..

Wait... Boomerang!


"An Airbender!"

"No way!"

"I didn't think we had anymore of those."

"Cool tattoos!"

That's all I've been hearing since I've arrived in the city. I have to say, this place looks good, and everyone seems so much happier! Last time I was here, Ozai had almost destroyed this place. I have never lived in a world without war before... I like it!

"One Jasmine tea, please," I order.

"Coming right- Kimi?"

"Hi, uncle."

It's nice that uncle is still making tea, doing what makes him happy. Walking back into the old tea shop gives me butterflies and good memories. Last time I saw him was before I left for the Eastern Air Temple. We haven't spoken in years. I've missed him more than anything. I truly can't believe it's been five years, how did I survive for so long?

Uncle and I embraced each other in a hug.

"Come, sit, sit," he tells me.

"What about your customers?" I ask.

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now