White Lotus Gambit

187 10 8

Word count: 1,422



I'm counting to myself because it's the only thing that's keeping from exploding.

"Ugh, ahhhh," Uncle moans and groans annoyingly.

We've been traveling for ages, and uncle has been groaning complaining the whole time. So here I am, trying not to go absolutely insane. I should be the one complaining really! Yes, uncle did get struck by lightning, but at least he gets to rest while the ostrich horse does all the work. I have to walk because 3 people is too much for the poor creature. Usually they're quite strong, but food and money have been scarce for us, so we can't really afford to feed him like we should. Zuko is still getting use to this whole friendship thing, so I didn't expect him to let me ride on the ostrich horse. It's not like I'm not use to it. I was on my own for three years. I've done a lot of walking. Only this time, I'm not alone, and that's kind of nice.

"Are you sure you're ok?" I ask uncle.

"Maybe we should make camp," Zuko suggests.

Yes, please! My feet are killing me.

"No, don't stop just for me- Ohhh," he groans again.


Zuko suddenly halts Sparkle Foot and walks ahead while looking out in the distance- Yes, I named our ostrich horse, problem? I for one think it's cute, and the name fits him really well.

"What's wrong, Zeeby?"

I nicknamed Zuko, too. Don't judge me, I've had a lot of freetime on my hands. He doesn't like it, but oh well, that's what friends do.

Sparkle Foot suddenly looks in the same direction as Zuko, like something caught his attention. The ground beneath my feet begins to rumble, and I can hear footsteps getting closer and closer to us.

"Coco, go and hide," Zuko whispers to me.

"What's happening?"

The fear in me rises, making me sweat a little. Oh no, what if they're coming for me? What if Patyn told about me being an airbender? But he would've done it by now, right? Azula would've said something, the entire Earth Kingdom would know by now. If he didn't tell, then why?

"Listen to Zuko," uncle commands.

I look at uncle one last time, and climb up the side of the trench we are in, and hide behind a tree.

"Commander Monkey.." I hear uncle say.

What if they can't beat these guys? What if they kill them or take me back to The Fire Nation? Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no. What am I gonna do? I can't-

"Coco, let's go!"

Oh, they're done. Well that was quick.

I peak my head from around the tree to see a bunch of big- HUGE men surrounding uncle and Zuko on the ground. The strangers are dazed, but still conscious.

How the heck did they do that? Those men are humongous!

Uncle and Zuko are waiting for me, so I run to Zuko who's already mounted, and he swiftly lifts me by my arm. I am quickly mounted. This time, uncle is at the reins. I never realized how much my feet hurt until now.

"It's nice to see old friends," uncle says.

'Because his friends are soooo nice,' I think to myself and roll my eyes.

Coco (ATLA) (Book 1)- Major Editing Coming SOONWhere stories live. Discover now