I love you

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4 months later---

We are laying in his room. I'm cuddled up to him. We're face timing Shawn. "I miss you, Lexi."

"I miss you too, sweetie."

"When are you gonna go on a date with me?"

I look at Hayes. "Never." he says.


"No. I don't want someone else with my girl. She's mine."

I smile. "Awe." I kiss his cheek.

"You are mine."

"You are mine." I repeat him.

"She's mine too." Shawn adds in

"Tell you what." I say sitting up. "If your first album hits #1 on the iTunes chart, ill go on our date."

"Have you pre-ordered it?"

"You know i have." I reply to his question.

Alot has happened in the last four months. Nash and Cam moved in together. Everyone, including Aaron, went back home. Shawn wrote a song and I love it. It's called 'Life Of The Party'. His album comes out in ten minutes. "Are you watching my Younow?"

I glance at my laptop that's beside me on the bed. "Yes, sir."

"Good. Everyone, go follow my good friend Alexis on instagram. Her user name is @theboysonline99. That's cute, Lex."

My phone starts to blow up with notifications. "Thanks, Shawn." I put my password in and everything freezes. "My phone is frozen because of everyone." I go to iTunes and type his name is. "Umm.. Shawn?"


"It's out."

"It's out!?"

"It's out. Everyone go buy Shawns new album!" As its downloading we say bye to Shawn. "Bye, Bae. See you soon."

"Bye, guys. Happy 4 months."

Hayes and I smile at eachother. "Thanks." we say back to him and end the call. We look into eachothers eyes which seems for hours before he speaks. "I have a confession."


He brings my face close to his and kisses me. We haven't shared a kiss like this one before. This one is if need and desire. "I love you." My eyes shoot open wide with shock. He just smiles at me. "I couldn't hold it in anymore. I love you, Alexis Nicole Brooks. More than anyone else in this world. If we ever part, remember all of the good times we had together. You have made my life like living in Heaven. And you haven't left me."

"I would never leave you. I haven't ever felt this way torward anyone but one person before. I can't believe I'm about to say it..." I look into his beautiful blue eyes that are staring back into my own. "I love you too." I say and kiss him.

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