His apology

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"What the hell? When did that happen?"

"I four months ago. Maybe five . I don't remember. I just know he gave me to Matt."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm happy." I smile to myself.

"I'm glad you're doing ok, kiddo. Ill see you in a couple of weeks, ok?"


"Ok. I love you. Don't do anything reckless or stupid."

"Got it, Cam. Love you too." I hang up the phone and turn back to Aaron. "What are we doing to day?"

"Well, Matthew has to wake up at some point. It's almost noon."

"Follow my lead." I stand up and walk upstairs to my bedroom. Matthew is sound asleep. "Well, I guess my dashing boyfriend isn't getting up today."

"What a shame."

"Well Aaron, I guess me and you are hanging out today. Maybe watch a romantic movie and go out to dinner."

Matthew shoots up. "I'll take you."

I laugh and jump on him. "Morning sunshine."

"Morning." he kisses me. "What are we doing today?"

My phone rings. "Hello?"

"Hi. Is this Alexis?"

"Umm, yeah. Who is this?"

"You might not know who I am. My names Brent."


"So you do know who I am. Great. Well, could you tell Matthew and Aaron that there is another meet up in two days?"

"No problem."

"Ok, thanks Lexi. Ill see you soon." he hangs up. I stare down at my phone confused.

"What's up?"

"You guys have a meet up in two days. Brent just called me."

"Where's the meet up?"

"I don't know. He didn't tell me."

He sighs. "Wanna go to the mall?"

"Lets go." Matthew, Aaron and I leave the house and drive to the mall. We walk through the doors and I see a lot of familiar faces. One in particular catches my eye. Out of all the people in the world that I could spot in a crowd, it's him.

"Aaron." I whisper.

"What? What's wrong?"

I look him in the eyes. "He's here."

"Matt, we have to lea-"

"What's up, baby girl."

I look into his emerald eyes. The eyes that could trap you for eternity. The eyes that trapped me. Literally. "We were just leaving." I say with a few words cracking.

He laughs at my nervousness. "Don't be scared, babe."

"Who the hell you calling babe?" Matt speaks up.


"What's your name, boy?" He asks the green eyed boy.

He smiles at Matt and sticks his hand out to shake his. "James."

I clear my throat. "Matt this is Jamie. Jamie this is my boyfriend Matt."

"A boyfriend?" Jamie says with a smirk. "Does he treat you better than me?"

"A lot better." I say under my breath.

He locks his jaw and grins evilly. "Well, I hate to run but I have things to do. It was nice to see you, princess. Ill call you later." he says with a wink. He turns away and I feel all the blood drain from my face.

"Lexi?" I hear Matt say. Darkness fills my mind. He's back. He can't be back.

"Lexi, look at me." I hear Aaron. I look up at him.

"What happened?"

"You passed out, babe." I look around to the group of people around us. I'm in Aaron's arms. I see him watching me. He steps out of the circle.

"Give us a minute, Aaron."

He turns to look at Jamie. "You don't deserve even a millisecond with her after what you did you piece of shit! Rot in hell!"

"Lexi please let me talk to you." he gets on his knees so we're eye level. "I'm begging you."

I shake my head with tears in my eyes. "What you did, was the cruelest thing that's ever happened to me. Why don't you go to Maranda?"

His eyes turn angry. I've only seen that happen once. "You know I can't do that." He says through gritted teeth. I know he can't go to her. She isn't... around anymore. He takes my hand. "One minute."

"One minute."

He stands and pulls me up with him. He smiles at the boys. "Uno momento." He tugs me along. We end up outside. "Some balls you have, girl. I don't think I've seen you like that before."

"Things change." I say looking at the ground.

"Yeah. Some things do. But not my feelings for you."

I laugh out of disgust. "You never had feelings for me."

He steps infront of me. I back up and hit the wall. "Lexi, I wanted to marry you one day. I love-"

"You love yourself. You had no right to do that to me. Do you know how much I was hurt!? Physically and emotionally? Jamie, you raped-"

He covers my mouth with his hand. "Can you not be so loud?" he removes his hand. His eyes change into something I've never seen from him before. "I didn't think i was hurting you. I thought you wanted it. Im sorry. Im so sorry. I know my apology won't be enough. Nothing could ever be enough to tell you how sorry I am. I really missed you and I've been wanting to apologize since the night it happened."

"You disappeared."

"I turned myself in. I went to jail. I can't believe I did that to you. I'm so sorry, Lexi." Tears brim his eyes. "I'm so sorry." he whispers and turns to walk away. I watch my betrayer as he walks away.

"Jamie!" what the fuck are you doing, Lexi? "Wait."

He turns around with tears streaming his face. "What? Do you want to tell me to rot in hell? Or go fuck myself? I don't know what else-"


He looks at me shocked. "W-what?"

"No." I take one of his hands in mine. "Jamie...... I-I......." what the hell are you doing!? "I forgive you."

More tears spill from his eyes. "How could you forgive me? I raped you!"

"I know, Jamie. But I was taught to forgive and forget." I look into his dazzling green eyes. "And I'm willing to do that."

He picks me up with a hug. "You'll never know how much this means to me. Thank you so much, Lexi. I love you."

"Ahhem!" Jamie sets me down and we look at the door. "Am I interrupting?"

"No." Jamie says. "I was just leaving." He looks back to me. "Ill call you later." he whispers. He walks away with a smile on his face.

I turn to Matt. I start walking past him. He grabs my arm. "Ouch." I look up at him.

He takes his hand away. Sadness fills his eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... to...." he walks the opposite way.


He faces me from ten feet away. "I can't do this."

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