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"Matthew." i shake the boy. He doesn't move. "I love you."

His head shoots up. He grabs my head and pulls me into his chest. "I love you, too."

"Let go." I mumble. He lets go and kisses me. "We have to go." I stand up and shake Aaron. "Babe, come on." He stretches and stands up

"Lets go." we get off the plane, get our bags, and find Dustyn. "Hey, bro."

"Hey. Hi Lexi."

"Dustyn, this is Matthew."

He looks over the boy. "How old are you?"


He looks at me. "How old are you?"

"Wow. My brother doesn't even know how old I am? I love you too, Dustyn. I'm 15!"

He hugs me. "I do love you, chicken shit."

I push him off of me and he goes to tickle me. I jump on Matthew and he catches me. "Don't touch me, Dustyn"

"Awe. Is little Lexi ticklish?"

"Matt." I say and look at him. "Please don't let him tickle me."

He spins us around. "There."

Dustyn walks infront of me and tickles me. Matthew laughs as I squirm in his arms. "I'm sorry! Im sorry!"

He stops. "That's better. Lets go home."


"Becky!" I yell and hug her.

"Hey, sweetie. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." She hugs Aaron and looks at Matthew. "Becky, this is my boyfriend, Matthew."

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Carpenter."

She hugs the boy. "Please, call my Becky." She pulls away and hugs Aaron. 'Oh, my baby's home!"

"Mom. You're crushing me." Aaron struggles to say.

She releases him. "Sorry. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, momma." he kisses her on the cheek and takes his suitcase up the stairs.

I grab my suitcase and follow him. I stop half way up the stairs and turn around. "Are you coming or not?"

Matt smiles and walks toward me. He follows me into my room. "Where am I staying?"

"With me."

He gasps. "Really?"

"Yeah. They aren't my parents. Just good friends of mine. I don't really have rules. Aaron and I do whatever we want as long as we do our chores." I smile to myself. "I love these people."

Matt hugs me. "I love you." I hug him back. I still don't know about this switching thing. I miss Hayes. I honestly thought he was the one. Matt lets go of me and I start to put my clothes away. I feel his eyes on me.

"May I help you?"

"Nope." he says placing his hands on my hips. "I don't need help."

I turn to face him. "Are you sure?"

He takes my chin and kisses me. I don't pull Away. I kiss him back. I feel electricity transforming from him to me. I love it. "I'm positive."

I smile at the boy and peck his lips again. "I'm going to sleep."

"Right behind you." we crawl into my bed and get comfortable. My head rests on his chest and his arm is protectively around me. I could get used to this. "I love you, Lexi. I'm going to keep saying it until you say it back."

I laugh. "So when I do say it back, you won't say it anymore?"

"No. Ill still say it this much." he smiles. "But i always want to remind you that I love you."

"Thank you."

He kisses my forehead. "No need to thank me. Go to sleep, princess."

I feel myself drift off. A few last words slip out of my mouth. I'm to tired to even care what they were.


Hey, guys! I hope you enjoy the story so far. Don't worry, it gets better ;')


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