Taylors freak out

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Tonight, we all decided to hang out, eat pizza, and watch Netflix. I'm sitting on Shawns lap. Gilinsky is sitting next to us. He lost a bet with me so he's rubbing my feet. That faggot knows I'm ticklish and that I'll kick him in the face. I may or may not have told him that.
Cameron is making us watch "Animals: Untamed and Uncut". Animals are freaking amazing.

"Hey, Lex?" I look to my right and see Hayes.

"Yeah, bud?"

"Can you feel him?"

"Not yet, sweets. He's still to little. He's smaller than he's supposed to be."

Something breaks in the kitchen. We all jump and turn around. Taylor stands in the doorway with his hands in front of him and a broken plate of sliced cheese and ham all over the floor. His eyes are wide and he looks at me. "Alexis Nicole Brooks." He whispers with a tear falling down his cheek. "Why didn't tell me that?" He sobs. His tears flow faster. "You're.... You're...."

"What?" Aaron asks.

"You cant." Taylor continues.

"What's going on?" He says more agitation. "Taylor." He looks at Aaron and sniffs.

"Don't do it, Tay."

"S-she... she's not..." he falls forward. We all run over to his limp body. I feel for a paulse. He's good.

"He's, fine." I say.

"What the fuck do you mean he's fine?" Cameron rolls Tays body so he's on his back.

"He passed out. Let's get him to bed."

Nash steps in front of me. "We'll take care of this, darling. Go eat your pizza. It's your pick on what we watch."

"No! Animal Planet!!" Cameron whines. What a child.

"I'll make sure it's Animal Planet, sweety."

"Kay, love you."

"Love you too, Cam." These are my boys.

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