A decision

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A week later-

I can't believe school starts tomorrow. Right now I'm with Jamie. We're taking a walk on my street. He still has a good seance of humor. Jack told me yesterday, "keep it simple. Don't let him get to you. Don't let him touch you."

"Lexi." I look over at him. His emerald eyes sparkling in the sunlight. "I love you."

"I know, Jamie."

He puts a hand on my hip. I step back. "What's wrong?"

"Orders from a member. No physical contact."

"Not even a hug?"

I shake my head. "It's against regulation."

He sighs. "Well, this sucks." He checks his phone. "I have to go. Mom wants me back for family time."

"Tell her I said hi." i say putting a hand on his shoulder.

He looks at my hand. "What about regulation?"

"They said you can't touch me. Nothing about me touching you." I hug the boy. He hugs me back.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too." he kisses my cheek. I can feel the tears start to come to my eyes. I try to fight them off. One of them falls onto his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" he pulls away and looks at me. His hands are on the sides of my head. His eyes turn sad. "Lexi."

They break loose. I can't fight it. I break down infront of him. My body won't hold me up anymore. I fall to the grass to put my head in my knees. He sits beside me and rubs my back. "Baby, please stop crying." He says in a soothing manner.

I sniffle but the tears still run wild. I raise my head to look at him. He wipes my tears away with his thumbs. He looks into my eyes. I'm trapped again. I slam my lips onto his, knocking him back words. His hand rests on my lower back. Our lips move viciously against one another. Our tongues are at war. After running out of air, we both pull back. He rests his forehead on mine. He has a giant smile on his face. "You still love me."

"Of course I do, Jamie." I say with a cracking voice. "I just can't be with you again."

"I know, baby." he hugs me. I cry into his shoulder.

"I love you, Jamie." comes out muffled.

"I love you too, Lexi." he kisses my head. "I love you so much."

My phone rings. Jamie lets go of me. I sniff hard and regain myself. "Hello?" I say in a clear voice.


"Hi, Keaton. How's the shop?"

"It's doing alright. When are you gonna come back?"

"Well, right now I'm back home in Louisiana. I'm thinking about moving out there."

"You should! Its beautiful. There's the ocean and you get to see me."

I laugh. "That's a plus."

"Yeah." He pauses. Another voice yells in the background. "I have to go. My boss is a dick."

"Alright. Stay out of trouble."

"Alright. Bye."

"Bye." I hang up.

"So who's Keaton?"

I look at Jamie who has a stern look on his face. "A boy I met in the skater store. He's from Emblem3."

"Keaton Stromberg! Dude, he's awesome!"

"I know."

He hugs me again. "I want to see you again before you leave."

"You will."

"When do you go back to NC?"

"I'm switching schools so about three days. I have my ticket already. Aaron has no idea."

He kisses me again. "Ill see you tomorrow."

"Ok." I watch him walk away. I turn the opposite direction and head to my house. I enter and go to my room. I check to see if I have everything I need. I do. I set my clothes out. A plad purple skirt that is to my fingertips and a lose black dress shirt with my blue and black hightops. Aaron is going to be so mad at me. I sit on my bed and think. My best friend in the whole wide world will be here, while I'm in an entire different state. The one who has helped me through everything. My first love. My first kiss. My first friend. I feel tears roll down my cheeks. I can't just leave him without telling him. If I do tell him, he will freak out. I don't know what to do. I curl up into a ball and cry. I think about all the shit that's happened in my life. All of the fuck ups I've made. I just cry. I haven't cut myself since I went to NC. It's a good feeling to know I haven't. I think I've finally gotten over the feeling of the blade against my bare skin. I'm free.

There's a knock at my door. "Lex?"

I turn to face him. Here we go. "Come in, Aaron."

He shuts the door and hurries over to me. "What happened?"

I look into his worried eyes. Here goes nothing. "I'm leaving."

"What? Why? When? Where-"


"Y-you can't leave me."

I hug him. "I'm not happy, Aaron."

"Why? What's wrong? What can I do?"

"I need to get away. I'm moving in with Jake."


I nod my head. "Yeah. Foushee."

He grabs my shoulders. "Why?"

"Aaron-" he slams his lips onto mine. I kiss him back. He climbs ontop of me and presses his lips down harder. A quiet moan escapes my lips. One of his hands touch the bare skin of my hip. My hands find their way into his hair. He flips up over so I can straddle him, without breaking the kiss. I will never know what I did to deserve this. Having him in my life was a gift from god.

He breaks the kiss and rests his forehead into mine. "Don't leave me. Ill do anything."

I'm silent. I don't know anything he could do that would change my mind. I'm leaving the one I love. An idea pops into my head. Brilliant. "Come with me."

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