Knocked out

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"Shawn?" Logan asks.

Umm.. Yeah about that.. "Logan, this is Shawn." I look at the boy with the guitar. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to confess." he says and starts to strum the instrument.

(The song is "All About You" by Oliver Garland)

You're smile is contagious.

Your laugh is too.

My world is spinning faster because my heart is on you.

The beauty in you love makes me a better guy and I

put my hand across my heart and promise I

never will make you cry.

Never be the reason why

I realize when I looked inside of me.

It's all about you girl.

That's one of my favorite songs. He would listen to that song with me when we were along together. Shawn and I would hang out a lot after hours. I fell for him but refused. Now, here he is. Standing in front of me. Singing my favorite song. Smirking at Logan.

He stops strumming and jumps off of Gilinskys car. He dashes across the drive way and locks his lips with mine. His kiss is like all the others. Electrifying. But it's different in a way. Logan pulls him off of me and raises a fist in the air. It connects with the side of Shawns face. He falls to the ground. Unconscious. His head connects with the concrete. Logan kicks his non moving body.

"Logan, stop!" I scream and push him away from Shawn. I fall to my knees and lift Shawns head up. It's bleeding from hitting the concrete. "Jack, you have to call somebody. Someone get me a towel!" I sob. "Shawn, you have to wake up."

"I don't believe this."

"Shut the fuck up, Logan! Shawn, please. Don't you leave me."

"Lexi, he-"

"Just get the fuck out of here!"

"You're my girlfriend."

I take off his ring. "Here." I toss it to him.

"You're serious."

"Dead fucking serious. Shawn, wake up, please." I cry harder. "Jake, what do I do?!"

"Wait. They're on the way."

Two other cars pull up. It's the other guys? They all scatter out and over to us. "What happened?"

"He came here to say he wanted her. He kissed her and Logan knocked him out."

Aaron looks to Logan, who's studying the ring in his hand. "You did this?" His breathing increases. "You mother fucker!" He attacks Logan.

"Aaron!" I scream.

Taylor and Nash pry him off of Logan. "I'll get you. I'll kill you, you piece of shit." Aaron spits at him. "I never liked you. You ALWAYS fucked something up!"

The ambulance races down the street. They get the gurney and take him from me. They put a neck brace thing on him and load him in. "You his girlfriend?"

"No." Logan says from behind me.

"I'm his sister." I say and climb into the back. "We have different mothers." Lying has always been something I was good at. The vehicle doors close and a nurse is back here with us, hooking Shawn up to monitors and stuff. I grab ahold of his hand.

"What happened?"

"He got punched in the face and he fell on the concrete."

"Why did he get punched?" She looks into my eyes.


"Tell me the truth."

I sigh. "Don't get mad at me." She nods. "I'm not his sister." She nods again. "He came here to sing my favorite song for me. He wanted me to be with him instead. He kissed me and my, now, ex boyfriend punched him in the face."

"Was he conscious when he hit the ground?"


"Ok." She says and sits back. "You two look cute together."

"Thank you." I say and squeeze his hand. "He's one of my best friends."

We arrive at the hospital and they take him away. I told them to keep him safe. I wait. And wait. And wait. Four hours pass and I'm still waiting. Just me. The guys aren't here.

The main door opens and a familiar scent fills my nose. "What do you want?"

"I wanna make sure he's ok." The boys sits next to me. "I consider him a friend."

"I consider you a self centered asshole that clearly doesn't respect someone for showing emotion. He was showing me that he loved me. You shouldn't have done that."

"You're mine."

"I was yours."

He's silent. He looks at the ground and says nothing. "Alright." He stands up and looks at me. "Ok." he turns and leaves.

I watch him leave. I look at the door after I can't see him anymore. I see a glimmer to my left. I look to the seat next to me. The ring. I pick it up and run out the door. I see him walking with his back to me and his hands in his pockets. "Logan!" He slows his pace. Slows it to a stop. I catch up to him. "Your ring."

"It's not mine." He says in a soft voice. He looks over his shoulder. "I gave it to you. Its yours."

"It's your grandmothers."

He smiles. "She would've loved you." He looks into my eyes. "I know she would have." he turns his head back around and walks away.

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