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"Fvck. It's tight."

"I-I can, mmn- manage."

I grip onto anything my hand can reach as the pain starts to grow. I breathe in and out in an attempt to ease the sting.

"Are you sure you can take it?"

Minho shuts his eyes when I nod. He bites his lower lip before starting.

"Tell me if it hurts too much."

We start to move as carefully as we could, but its gradually getting harder and harder. "I'm alright... just go slow- ah!"

"Shit." His eyes widen. "Was that not gentle enough?"

I bite my lip hard as the pain becomes unbearable. It hurts so much, like I'm being torn apart.

"Do you want me to stop?" Minho frowns in worry. "Is it too much? Did I hurt you that bad? What can I do?"

"It's o-okay..."

"But you're bleeding!"

He was about to stop and check, but I didn't let him. "N-No! Stop looking and just focus, please?"

"Fine." He groans when he sees no hesitation on my face.

Whispers of profanities leave him, everything around me blurring, eyes rolling back as sensitivity gives way to weakness.

"M-Minho... are we close?" I bite my lip to stifle the pained moans only to fail.

His jaw tightens, knuckles turning white with his tight grip, brows furrowed in concentration as adrenaline kicks in.

"I'll go faster, okay? Goddamn," he curses before speeding up. "Almost there..."

I grip on the car's backseat. Eyes shut closed and lips parted to catch my breath, the feeling of numbness seeps into my system.

"We're here." He sighs in relief when we both arrived, pulling over immediately and running to my side. He cups my face and makes me face him, eyes wide in concern. "Y/n, are you still with me?"

"Y-Yeah." I nod weakly and I see him relaxing a little through my half-lidded eyes.

Minho fumbles to unlock the tight seatbelt and helps me out. He scoops and carries me in his arms because my wobbly legs wouldn't let me walk.

"I'm sorry..." He looks so guilty as he apologises so softly, and my heart couldn't take it anymore. All the unfinished walls I put up comes crashing down.

It's not really his fault why the status of my injury deteriorated. I thought the weather was making me feel weird but it's probably because I moved around too much. Maybe pulling on the wrong hand when I picked 'or' from his options contributed a little, but it all comes down to me being a brat.

Minho was very gentle as he pulls me with him to the parking lot... but it was my left arm. My stitched and pitiful left arm. We only realised it when the sling turned red because of the blood seeping through and just like cartoon logic, I only felt the pain when I got aware of the stitches busting open. That's why he made the car fly to get me home.

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