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The patient in room 408 has been successfully resuscitated minutes ago, but it seems like Changbin's heart is the one who stopped beating as he kneel in front of me in desperation.

"Y/n, please... I'm begging you."

I sit on the floor with my face buried on my hands as I try to calm myself down.

"Please, I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean it-"

"Why would you scare me like that?" I lift my head and glare at him, and he scratches his head in cluelessness.

"I was just kidding, okay? Minho's gone to the restroom that's why I can't take you to him!" he explains.

My lips quiver and his eyes widen in shock. "That's not something to joke about..."

"Oh, shoot. Please don't cry!" he pleads frantically. "I'm the one who'll be gone if Minho-hyung sees us!"

"Was it so hard to say that it's the wrong room? I-I was so worried."

Changbin turns pale as I start sniffling. "I-I just wanted to get back at him for always picking on me, but I guess I went too far! I thought you'd be funny-"

"I am what?!"

"I've been looking for the two of you- oh, why's she crying?" Chan appears with crossed arms as he witnesses the two of us arguing like children on the floor by the hallway.

Changbin turns even paler as he stammers a reply. "I-I was just kidding! I didn't know she'd take it seriously!"

"He told me Minho's gone... Was I supposed to laugh?"

Chan shakes his head in disapproval. "I said check if Y/n's rested enough, not make her cry."

"B-But I didn't mean it-"

"Save your excuses. Minho's been going crazy in there and you just had to make his babygirl cry... You're already on his bad side for fatally mistaking six as nine."

I immediately stand up when I hear his name, startling the both of them who hurriedly support each of my arm. I glare at Changbin and move to Chan's side and he scratches his head frustratedly because of my grudge.

Chan cautiously puts his hands on my shoulders to steady me. "Is this okay?" I nod and he smiles.

Can you take me to Minho now?"

Chan nods and leads me to room 406, and I finally get why Hyunjin and the others warned me about going here.

My jaw drops when I see Minho blindfolded on the bed with his wrists handcuffed to the bedpost. He's trying to wriggle away with balled fists and gritted teeth, groaning as the restraints wouldn't budge.

"Bang Chan, where's the key?! Take this off me now!"

Chan smirks and puts his forefinger over his lips, telling me to stay silent. I am already too stunned to speak anyway.

"The key is when you finally behave and obey me."

"How could you do this to me? You can't even let me go to the restroom in peace!"

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