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I cover my mouth in shame as I finally realise what I've been saying. I want you. I'm all yours. Take responsibility and don't leave me.


"Hey, don't kiss-and-run me."

Minho tries to peel my hands off my face but I don't let him. I can hear his teasing laugh and it only makes me feel more embarrassed.

"Don't be shy now. I'm all yours too."

I huff and push him away when he pokes my cheek.

"I shouldn't have done that. Now you're just teasing..."

"Did what?" He shrugs. "I think I forgot. Do it again."


My face burns as I drag my IV stand between us, peeking and glaring at his triumphant grin that just goes wider and wider.

Minho's eyes crinkle into crescent moons at my embarrassed state, clearly finding joy in my misery. He has his hand on his stomach like he's out of breath and I love how he looks so happy but he's such a tease!

"Why are you like that?"

"Aw... Don't be mad, it's just a kiss."

"Oh?" My voice came out smaller than I intended to.

Maybe it's just a kiss for him but it's very important to me. It's my first kiss... I know it's clichéd, but I've always thought that it's meant to be special.

Minho's eyes widen a little as he shakes his head so fast. He moves the IV stand barrier between us and rests a hand on my head.

"I didn't mean it like that." His ears turn red.

"It's okay... You can kiss anyone you like, I was gone for four years anyway..."

"No..." He scratches his nape. "I was just playing cool, really."

"Playing cool?"

He takes my hand and places it on top of his chest where I can feel his heartbeat... and it surprisingly mirrors mine. Erratic, warm to the feeling, making me fuzzy all over, serving the cause of my euphoria. A soft look is displayed across Minho's face as he shrugs like it's not a big deal.

"I wanted to look cool and not an idiot who'd stumble over a kiss but here we go. Tsk."

Why is Lee Minho so cute?

"Who, uh, who's your first kiss then?" I look away.

He chuckles and tilts my head back to face him. "Cute."

"You didn't answer my question..."


"Oh." I bite the inside of my cheeks to stop myself from smiling.

"Don't worry, I've only kissed four lips in my entire life."

"F-Four?" My almost-smile falls.

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