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It's the day of the final performance in PE class, but I can't find Minho anywhere. Everyone's busy here in the enclosed gymnasium while waiting for Coach Yoongi.

"Can't you reach Minho-hyung yet?" Felix asks and I shake my head no as a response. I've been calling him but he isn't answering.

"I think he's just late." Seungmin shrugs.

Seungmin is with us because he said he got bored with the presence of his teammates. Honest as ever. He's playing with his toy gun that they'll use as a prop later.

"Why are you still here?" Felix looks at him suspiciously. "Are you spying on us? Go to your group. You're not welcome here since you betrayed our friendship by teaming with others!"

The spectacled boy points his gun to the freckled one. "If this is real I would've shot you already."

"Whatever." Felix rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to me. "How about Minho-hyung?"

"He won't ditch us, let's trust him."

Felix grins at me. "If you say so! Here, let me fix your tie."

Felix goes closer to loosen my tie. The three of us will be wearing tucked-in dress shirts with black tie, trousers, and leather loafers as costume. Felix came up with our concept. He says it's called "Employees who are in desperate need for vacation."

"We should look cool, disheveled, and laidback." Felix undoes two buttons of my shirt. I jump at his boldness as Seungmin's eyes widen.

"Yah! What are you doing?" Seungmin swats Felix's hands.

"This looks a bit revealing... Is this necessary?" I ask, awkwardly scratching my exposed collarbone.

"It's our concept! Look at mine." He points to his open collar.

"But you don't have that thing... I mean..." Seungmin clears his throat and scowls at Felix, turning to walk away. "Suit yourself."

"That's how we get rid of him. He's too obvious." Felix snickers as we watch Seungmin's retreating back. He looks back at me to check my appearance and compare our looks. "Hmm... Oh, your hair- ow!"

He was about to mess with my hair when a blazer suddenly smacks his face.

Minho loosens his tie and folds the sleeves of his shirt, then he redoes the buttons on mine while glaring at our leader. "Try this shit again, unless you want to keep your fingers."

The guilty boy nervously skips a few steps away. "I knew he'd come."

I shake my head and go to Minho's side. "Where were you? You weren't answering... I was worried."

I got confused when he takes my hands and just stare at me. He looks a little dazed... and a bit nostalgic? His eyes are also glistening.

"Min, are you alright?"

"Moon Y/n... it's you."

I chuckle. "Of course... unless there's also others with the same name here."

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