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Minho stands up and glares sharply at the guys who just arrived. His jaw is clenched as he pulls me behind him.

"Minho," Jungwoo hisses. Yuta and Kun are quick to hold him back.

I look at them confusedly. Why are they acting so hostile to each other?

"What's happening?"

Jungwoo take deep breaths and backs off. He looks at his friends for support so Kun goes in front to explain.

"It's a misunderstanding-"

"Fvcking misunderstanding." Minho laughs dryly. "You haven't changed at all, Kun-hyung. Still saving that weakling's ass every time."

"Don't talk to him like that." I flinch when Ten attempts to attack Minho, good thing Yuta stops him.

"Why would I listen to you? You're not the boss of me."

"It's funny how I even thought of apologising to you. I'm not a weakling anymore!" Jungwoo exclaims.

"Oh, yeah? Like you can scare me with your words."

Jungwoo's face darkens as he charges at Minho. "Then take this, almighty ass!"

My eyes widen as the two of them get into a heated brawl. Kun and Yuta are trying to pull them apart to no avail.

"Don't hurt each other!" Kun groans frustratedly as he tries to stop Ten from joining.

"Stop it!" I try pulling Minho with me, but Jungwoo accidentally pushes me away. "Ow!"

Their jaws drop as they see me bump my head on the corner of the table. I shut my eyes firmly before opening it to get rid of my hazy vision.

"Y/n, I'm sorry!" Jungwoo apologises.

"Look what you've done!"

"Hey, I'm okay! Stop fighting, please?"

I tug on Minho's shirt to pull him away from punching Jungwoo. He turns to me with dead eyes, like the ones he gave me when we were just starting out.

I frown as I look at them. They're all disheveled.

"You know each other?"



My frown only deepens at their contradiction. I rub my temples as the throb amplifies. Gosh... Why do I always bump my head on things?

"Are you kidding me?"

"Sunny- I mean Y/n, listen to us," Ten pleads.

"Don't listen to them. They're making a fool out of you. I thought I was the only one they'll turn their backs to... it turns out they'll do the same to the person they swore was the most special to them," Minho says bitterly.

I look at the guys who have their heads down, looking ashamed.

"You... You used to be friends?"

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