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"Noona, are you dead?"

I hear someone sniffling beside me, then I feel a damp sensation on my cheeks.

"Please wakey-wakey."

My eyes flutter open and the sight of a tear-stricken puffy face welcomes me. His eyes widen and starts screaming like a dolphin, almost crushing me in a hug.

"It worked! My kiss woke up noona!"

I wince at the forceful impact. Panic rise in my system when I can't move my left arm to push the boy who's injuring me with his hug rather than giving comfort.

"Innie, what are you doing here?"

"Noona, I saw the stickman spidey hit you!"


"I will catch him and feed him to the big bad wolf!"


"So are you Sleeping Beauty or Snow White? Because my magic kiss healed you."

"Jisoos Chris- Why are you choking her, Jeongin?!"

I wheezed for air when I finally got free from Jeongin's grip. My body feels so sore all over and I just woke up but I'm already tired.

My family emerges from the door. My brother helps me sit up and I nervously inspect my left arm because I can't feel it. To my relief, it's still there.

"Are you alright?"

I stop worrying about my arm when I hear their question. I look around the room and try to suppress a bitter laugh.

I'm on a hospital bed with IVs pricked to my veins. My left arm is bandaged and unmoving and my whole body feels weak from head to toe. Yes, I'm perfectly alright.

"Y/n, we're so sorry about everything..."

Their voices drift off and I just stare at them as they talk. It's like my ears blocked out whatever apology they're saying because it had enough.

I remember everything now. From the day my bad eyesight caused me to meet the boy who I'd never thought would hurt me this much, until the night where he decided to end us and I almost died... literally.

I'm so pathetic. Back then and until now, I'm always running wherever he goes. I always chase after his footsteps. I always try to get his attention. I'm so shameless and shameful at the same time.

I didn't know I was already crying until breathing becomes harder.

"Y/n... Please talk to us," Taeil-oppa pleads. "Tell us where it hurts so we can help you."

"What can we do, sweetie? We'll do everything... Anything you want." My mum hugs me.

I try holding my sob but they still manage to escape. My heart feels so heavy, I didn't know I could feel so bad like this.

"You were out for two days. We're so scared you won't wake up," my dad says.

"Is that true?"

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