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Minho's POV


Hyunjin struts in wearing his graduation uniform with lots of messages written in colourful markers, flowers in his hands, eyes and lips smiling as he greets us cheerfully. I raise my eyebrow that made him gulp and bow a little.

"My m-mum bought these flowers but I-I don't like them so I'll just give it to Y/n?" he says very unsurely. "A-Actually, it's for Seungmin!" He scurries to the spectacled boy's side and tosses the flower at his face.

"Aish..." Seungmin glares and shoves the flowers back to Hyunjin, then he walks away grumpily.

"Why is everyone so gloomy?" that Hyunjin guy asks as he looks around. "Shouldn't we be celebrating?"

Jungwoo and Jisung (with Jeongin in his arms) are pacing back and forth after almost fainting, Chan is calling some of his friends aka connections, Changbin is talking to the guards whilst those trainees went to check on the CCTV footages and the people they hired to watch over Y/n. I just came back from the rooftop with Seungmin and Felix but we found it desolated, making me go crazy with the thought of her being in danger.

"Dude, our bestie is missing." Felix pats his shoulder. "That Bambam guy took Minho's phone and used it to lure our innocent girl to his trap. Tsk tsk. You should've arrived sooner so you saw how angry Minho-hyung got! He almost crushed his phone with his bare hands!" he exclaims as he shows my slightly cracked phone and its content.

gu3ss wh0?

Seems like her knights ar3n't around thiz t1meWould u s4ve ur precious l1ttle Sunny?8pm

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Seems like her knights ar3n't around thiz t1me
Would u s4ve ur precious l1ttle Sunny?
After that I won't be 2 kind 2 keep my handz 2 myself
Try 2 find us lolz

"I just had a seizure reading that." Hyunjin side-eyes the message. "So that's why I can't see Y/n anywhe-" then his jaw drops upon realisation. "Y/N IS WHAT? OH MY GHAD!"

Kun and the guys come back with sullen faces and that's when I knew, they fvcked up.

"The footages are deleted and it'll take them half a day to retrieve it. We found the guards we hired knocked out, seems like they're drugged. Should we wait for those CCTV-"

"He says 8pm and we don't have enough time. I have to go there. What if... What if he hurts her again? What if I'm too late? I swear I'll lose it... I'm trying to stay as sane as possible right now but- fvck my life."

"Let's calm down, yeah? I know it's hard but try to control your emotions because it won't help in this situation. Y/n needs you so breathe and don't panic," Chan lectures and it's enough to knock my senses back.

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