Water Accidents

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It's been almost a week working with Shawn and I've enjoyed it so much. I've made a few friends so far working here. Currently, me and Shawn were sat in the meeting room discussing some trading stuff which I wasn't interested in but Shawn insisted that I sit with him in the meeting room.

Me and Shawn were sat at the top of the huge oak table. Other employees were scattered around the table with there files and right at the end was Jason who was head of trading. He was taking everyone through a huge slide show about a new trading system.

The only people I knew in the room was Jason, Andrew, Shawn and Alana who happened to be standing to the side. As they were talking and discussing I was barely interested to say the least. I held Shawn's hand and traced my fingers over his tattoo.

"What do you think Serenity?" Shawn asks and I snap out of my daze looking up seeing everyone's eyes on me.

"Umm- I'm not sure. I'm sorry I really don't know anything about business trading" I say nervously and he shakes his head before giving my hand a gentle squeeze to relax me. I look up to smile at him before Alana cuts in.

"Sir if you don't mind may I give you a suggestion?" She says. Of course she has to add something. Shawn nods before she clears her throat and walks over to the board.

I rolled my eyes as she adjusted her very low-cut blouse. "If Jason is saying that trading with Europe is harder as the contact is difficult to know whether they have received the goods. I think we should have a team from here to fly out with the trade. Or you sir yourself can fly out with the trade, to make sure it's up to your standards" she says flipping her hair over her shoulder gracefully.

"I think that's a good idea" Shawn agrees and I nod too just to pretend like I understand. The rest of the room hums in response.

"Well I can get the trades team together for a fly out on the goods" Jason says and everyone nods as they scribble stuff down on their note pads. Alana moves out of the way before they carry on talking and discussing.

I distract myself with Shawn's hand and everything around me was inaudible as I was lost in my thoughts. Shawn lifted his glass up and asked Alana to pour him a glass of water. She came over and leaned over, her whole chest was almost on display but thank God Shawn was facing the other way. I looked back down at Shawn's hand.

Then I heard a thud and I felt cold trickling water spill into my lap. The cold water soaked through making me shriek and quickly stand up.

She knocked over the glass. Everyone's eyes were on me as there was a huge stain of water on my skirt.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry Mrs Mendes, oh no. It was an accident I'm so sorry" she rambles on and I take a deep breath as my fists were clenched.

Shawn stood up immediately as Alana handed him some napkins. I have never felt more embarrassed in my whole life as everyone stared at me. Before Shawn could even help me I took a deep breath and walked straight out of the meeting room.

"Serenity! Baby! Wait!" I heard Shawn yell from behind as he came running to me. He was just making it worse now everyone around was staring. I stormed straight into the Women's bathroom before tears slipped down cheeks.

Great. Now I had mascara running down my cheeks and my skirt was soaked in cold water. I stood under the hand dryer to see if it could dry my skirt but it was working.

The door bursted open and Shawn walked inside. "Shawn this is the girls bathroom" I say and he sighs.

"I don't care, are you okay?" He says and I roll my eyes.

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