Bonus Chapters: Tickles + Gold Treasure

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It was the weekend and Shawn had no work so that meant both of us and the three little terrors in bed with us. Shawn and I laying in bed together but we had Adrian walking around our room.

Sofia was sat on Shawn's pillow at the top his head rested on her small lap as she was playing with his hair. Noah was curled up to my other side as I was in between him and Shawn. Noah held my phone in his hand watching some cartoons.

"Morning" Shawn mumbled looking up at Sofia who was tugging on his hair and then turning to me giving me a smile.

"Good morning" I smiled placing a kiss on his cheek.

"How does that head massage feel from Sofia?" I ask looking up at Sofia.

"Amazing" He says looking up at Sofia who grinned at him.

"Okay ow- Sofia princess you're pulling my hair too tight" Shawn says grasping her tiny fists clenched in Shawn's curls. She laughed and pulled on his hair again and he let out a wince.

"Sofia you little-" Shawn says grabbing her and pulling her into his chest making her scream. He attacked her with loads of kisses making her squirm and giggle in his hold. Then he sat up laying her on his side of the bed.

"I'm going to tickle you now" He grinned tickling Sofia who was kicking her little legs and laughing. He blew raspberries on her stomach and making her sweet laugh echo through our room.

Noah and I were sat up against the headboard laughing before Shawn stopped and looked up at Noah. "You're next mister" He says leaning over grabbing Noah from me.

Sofia got up and came crawling into my arms as she hugged me tightly as we then watched Shawn tickle Noah. "Daaaaaddy stoppp" he screamed and laughed as Shawn tickled him. Then Adrian came running and Shawn pulled him up next to Noah and started ticking both of the boys.

Sofia joined in with the screaming as Shawn tickled the boys. "Aaahhhh stop!" Adrian yelled as he was laughing trying to get his breath back. Shawn stopped tickling them and they both were clutching their stomachs with huge smiles on their faces. 

"Mommy's turn now" Adrian says pointing at me and I immediately shook my head.

"No no no no not me" I say quickly shaking my head and Shawn smirked at me.

"Mommy up up up" Sofia exclaimed excitedly pulling on my arm. I squealed as Shawn grabbed my legs, pulling me and laying me right in the middle of the bed. Adrian, Noah and Sofia were grinning and cheering their father on.

Shawn climbed over me before his fingers slid under my shirt and tickled my sides. His touch giving me goosebumps also making me squirm and scream for mercy. "Sh-shawn aaaahh st-stop" I choked out trying get out of Shawn's hold.

Adrian, Noah and Sofia joined Shawn with their little hands tickling my neck and stomach. "We're in a team against mommy" Shawn grinned and they all cheered. Finally they stopped and I clutched my stomach because it was hurting from all of that laughing.

I sat against the headboard letting out a deep breath and Shawn laid on top of me before giving me a light kiss on my lips, then resting his head on my shoulder. "My stomach hurts thanks a lot" I say and Shawn frowns.

"Sorry but don't you think it was fun" he says and I shook my head. "You had fun admit it" he says poking my cheek.

"Only a bit" I say and he laughs before Sofia climbed onto his back. I watched as she tried standing up on Shawn's bare back. But she toppled over and then just sat on him.

"Right everyone I think we should go down for breakfast" I announce as Shawn climbed off me but holding Sofia carefully.

I got off the bed stretching before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I came out of the bathroom and Noah was stood waiting outside the door. He pulled his arms up meaning he wanted to be held. I smiled and picked him up before kissing his cheek and making my way downstairs.

After breakfast and getting all of them cleaned up and freshened up. I was wiping down the counter and when I turned I came faced to face with Shawn.

"You scared me" I say swatting his chest making him chuckle. He just came out of the shower and I could tell from his damp hair.

He wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Are we still going to my parents today?" He asks and I nod.

"Yep because Aaliyah is back from her honeymoon and your parents invited us for dinner" I say and he frowns.

"Why can't we let the kids go and we can have some alone time, eh?" He says giving me a wink.

"Sorry Mr Mendes I don't think so" I grin patting his chest and again he frowns.

Then he leaned down pressing a kiss to my lips and he made me take a step back until I was pressed right against the counter. Our mouths moving together and then we broke away before his lips trailed from my lips to my jaw and down to my neck.

"I know what you're doing and it's not working" I say and he groans before pulling away.

Then we heard pattering of tiny feet echoing in the hall way making their way to the kitchen. Shawn let go of me and turned around before Noah and Adrian came into the kitchen holding a box.

"Mommy! Daddy! We found gold treasure" Adrian chips showing us the box.

My eyes almost popped out of my sockets. Shawn and I gasp loudly at the same time staring at the box of condoms in his hand.

We looked at each other holding our laughs in but it failed as we started laughing and then I quickly stopped but Shawn continued laughing.

"Oh my God Shawn!" I yelled and he looked at the two of them holding the gold foil packets then looking up at me.

"Right that's not treasure give it to me" he says sternly trying to take it away from them.

"We want the gold treasure" Noah says and Shawn bites his lip while pulling the packets out of their hands.

"Noah they are not gold treasure" I scold pulling the box out of his hand quickly placing them on the counter.

"They are mommy's golden treasure" Shawn says smirking at me and I swat his arm.

"Shawn!" I yell at him and roll his eyes.

"Right, you don't go through other people's stuff that is very bad and not nice. All of you now can you say sorry" Shawn scolds them.

"Sorry" Noah and Adrian say together looking down at the floor.

They disappeared Sofia walked in with her barbies in her hand. Shawn smiles and picks her up, "My little princess never causes any trouble" he says kissing her cheeks.

"Why didn't you put them away properly Shawn!" I yell at him.

"I did! They just love exploring that's not my fault they get their little hands into everything" he defends and I shook my head.

"Are you mad?" He asks

"Of course I'm mad you had one job Shawn!" I snap and he frowns.

"I'm sorry but at least they don't understand" he says and I sigh.

"You're right but will you please just put them away like some where so high they cannot reach" I say and he nods.

"It won't happen again I promise" he says leaning down to press a kiss to my lips.

"Daddy!" Sofia grinned before she puckered her lips for Shawn to kiss her like he did to me.

"I have to admit it was pretty funny though" I giggle and he agrees letting out a laugh.

"Our kids finding our condoms that's going to be a good story for the future" he says and I agree as we both burst into laughter.

"I think it's a sign for us to use the treasure?" He winks and I roll my eyes swatting his arm.

"Nice try" I say grabbing the box and shoving all the packets into it before walking out of the kitchen with it to put it back in our room.

"I guess that's a no" he says following behind.

"It's a definite no" I laugh and he frowns at me...
Q: Would you rather be Shawn's sister or daughter?

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