Warm Bath

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Shawn had fell asleep two hours after me assuring him that he is safe and I won't leave him. As he slept I managed at slide out of bed slowly to make my way to the bathroom. I washed my face and I just looked into the mirror before tears dropped down my cheeks. 

Shawn was beyond hurt and it hurt me even more seeing him in physical, mental and emotional pain.

It was torture for me watching him in this much pain, I wish I could have done something for him but there was only so much I could do. Jason said he would come over to help with the case on Alana.

I wish everything gets over soon because I'm stuck between Adrian and Shawn. Because Adrian is still a baby needing attention but on the other hand Shawn is in pain and he won't let me go because he needs attention and support too.

I decided to take a nice and quick warming shower before Adrian or Shawn wake up.

After my shower I wrapped myself in a towel before going back to our room. I looked over at the bed on the other side of the room, where Shawn was laying on his back just staring lifelessly up at the ceiling.

His head popped up to look over at me, "are you coming back to bed?" He asks in a croaked quiet voice.

"I'll be there in a minute" I say before changing into a loose t-shirt and some shorts. I wrapped my hair up in the towel as the hair dryer would disturb them both.

As I was heading back to the bed I looked into Adrian's crib and his eyes were open as he looked around. As his eyes landed on me he started crying, wanting to get out. Adrian would definitely distract Shawn and cheer him up.

"Hi my Prince, daddy is home do you want to see him?" I coo as I take Adrian out and walk over to the bed with him. I sit down comfortably as I bent my legs laying Adrian against my thighs.

"Look who's home! Didn't we miss daddy" I say poking Adrian's stomach as he let out some noises.

I turned my head towards Shawn and he was crying, my heartaches seeing him cry.

"Shawn what's wrong?" I say as I take his hand into mine placing a kiss on his bruised hand.

"I thought I would never see him again. I would never get to hear him or see him grow" he cried and I had to blink hard so my tears wouldn't fall down. I couldn't even imagine never seeing my baby again, and the thought haunted Shawn.

I held Adrian with hand as I used my other hand to wipe Shawn's tears. He sat up as he rested his head on my shoulder crying.

"Shhh Shawn, you are safe and nothing will happen to you, me or Adrian. I promise I won't let anything happen okay?" I say patting his cheek and he nods wiping his eyes.

"I love you so much Shawn, I promise you everything will be normal again" I say and he lifts his head up before placing a kiss on my lips. "I love you too" he whispers quietly.

Adrian started fussing and kicking his legs, we broke away before I looked at Adrian. "I love you too mister. Are you hungry? I think you are" I say tickling his stomach making him screech.

I laid down on my side with Adrian attached to me feeding and Shawn behind me with him fully pressed against me. His arm draped over my waist and face pressed into the back of my neck.

We all eventually fell asleep with Adrian curled on to my chest and Shawn's body pressed into my side. We all slept in till the afternoon and Shawn seemed well rested thankfully and I had managed to get some rest too.

Shawn had opened his eyes and just looked up at me, I smiled as I ran my fingers through his hair making him close his eyes. "I think we should have some breakfast hmm?" I say and he nods.

I hold Adrian tightly as I get out of bed and I walk around the bed to the door. Shawn stood there as I took his hand and held it making him walk out with me.

I placed Adrian into the bassinet in the living room as I took Shawn with me to the kitchen. "I think we should have some waffles and strawberries" I say and Shawn doesn't respond he just keeps a hold of my hand.

I thought waffles could make his mood better or cheer him up which it didn't.

Shawn did not let go of me while making breakfast, he had to touch me somewhere, whether it was holding my hand, his hands resting on my hips or his head resting in the crook of my neck. He was scared to let go of me and I understood the fear he held in his eyes.

"Breakfast is ready!" I sang after pouring on the chocolate on to the waffles and tossing on the strawberries. I took the plate placing it on the counter and then making Shawn sit down on a stool.

He just stared at his plate not touching it making me sigh, "Shawn you need to eat something please!" I say and he shakes his head.

"I won't eat unless you eat" I say pushing my plate making him look up at me. He sighed and handed me the fork so I could feed him. He had his hand on my leg tracing circles as I cut up the waffle feeding him and myself.

Breakfast was finished and I cleaned up sending Shawn to the living room. I giggled and shook my head as I saw him with his arms opened and a pout on his face. I sat beside him and carefully pulled him into my arms. He relaxed his face into the crook of my neck.

"Shall I tell you something?" I say to him and he hums.

"You I find these scars and your busted lip makes you look tough and really sexy" I say and he lifts his head up and looks at me before a slight smirk appears on his face.

I grin before placing my palms on his cheeks to place a kiss on his lips. "I love you" I say kissing his lips once more.

"I love you too" he smiles before resting his head back in the crook of my neck.

Just as my hands started stroking Shawn's hair, Adrian started crying and fussing. Shawn let out a sigh before his head up letting me get up to grab Adrian from the bassinet. I looked down before picking him up and cuddling him into my arms placing a kiss on to his wet cheeks.

"Don't cry Adrian, come on you can cuddle with mommy and daddy" I say as I walk back over with him to Shawn. I sat beside Shawn as he slowly wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I had Adrian in my arms between us both.

"I love you" Shawn says placing a kiss on Adrian's cheek and then watches Adrian's little hand curl around his finger.

After cuddling on the couch and relaxing for most of the day. I ran a warm bath for Shawn so he could relax his sore body. Shawn was putting Adrian to sleep and he was tired beach's I had just finished feeding him. I poured some bubbles into the warm water watching them form. I lit some candles around the bathroom and then Shawn came into the bathroom. He took his clothes off and got into the bath tub.

"Please come in the bath with me" he whispers as I watched him relax into the warm soothing water as his back relaxed against the tub.

"I'm checking on Adrian and I'll be back" I say as I went to our room to quickly check on Adrian and he was fully passed out thankfully before I made my way back to the bathroom.

Even though I had a shower today, I still was going to get in for Shawn's sake. I stripped off before tying my hair into a bun as I slowly slipped into tub. Shawn's eyes were closed but as he heard me getting his eyes opened.

Shawn pulled me into his arms and my back lightly rested against his chest with the warm water around our body. "This is nice" he says and I nod as my fingers danced along his wet skin.

After being in the warm relaxing bath tub for half an out relaxing our tense bodies we switched positions so I could wash his hair.

Once we got to bed after our bath Shawn sat on the bed and I massaged his tense and sore shoulders.

"Relax babe, you have nothing to be worried about anymore" I whisper as I continue to massage his shoulders and neck.

He was extremely shaken up and still not fully himself but I wanted to do everything to relax him fully and not give him any stress anymore, because he did not deserve this.

I was going to do everything so he can be himself again without fear...

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