Q&A + Happy News

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So let's start off this small Q&A!

uncorn_mermaid : Do you enjoy writing stories and when did you start writing?
Author: I absolutely adore writing, I get to create anything that comes to my mind. I also see so many people happy reading my stories which encourages me. I started writing I believe in Sep or Oct 2018.

berriesshawn : Is is time for baby Mendes #2?
Author: Soon hehee ; )

Tahiramalik1869 : Did you think 'Arranged' would be a great hit?
Author: Honestly, I didn't think so. I had this idea but my writing was pretty shit so I didn't think anyone would read it. But as time went on people were reading it and I was actually so happy when like ten people read my story, now there it's hundreds of you. Bug I am extremely happy with the turn out.

LucijaMajdeni : For Serenity, How is it to keep up with Adrian and Shawn when they need attention?

Serenity: Well, obviously Adrian is a baby and needs my constant attention. However, Shawn acts like a nod kid some days too. But I give them all the attention I can, and hoping it's balanced.
Shawn: Weren't calling me a kid last night *winks*
Serenity: Shawn! *slaps his arm*

LucijaMajdeni : For Shawn, Do you want more kids with Serenity? If so a boy or girl?

Shawn: Of course I want more kids! I want to have a big family. Also I couldn't see me having kids with anyone else but Serenity, she is an amazing wife and mother. I already have a beautiful daughter Skylar and son Adrian, so I wouldn't mind if we have a girl or boy.

fallinforshawn : Will you be making more stories?
Author: Yes I have started a few new stories you can check out. Also if you have any other ideas you can let me know!

shawnMendesfan6488 : What was your inspiration behind this story?
Author: Well, I've always been dreaming about my life in the future. What it's like finding the one, getting married, having kids and growing old together. I'm that softie into love, marriage, family and all the cheesy stuff. So that's kinda my inspiration.

pksdx_ : This is for Shawnie but Would you prefer a band, a football team in any sports team to be filled with that many children. Like 11 children in football so?
Shawn: I probably would have a band of kids. Having them all learn to sing or instruments. I think eleven kids is a bit too much but maximum me and Serenity planned was 4.

Will there be a trilogy/sequel to this?:
Unfortunately no, there won't be another book to finish this story as there isn't that much left but for them but to carry on with their lives. However, I will still be posting random bonus chapters which will give sneak peaks of the future and kind show you the future.. So yes, even though it says the end there will be chapters carrying on. (Hope it makes sense)
A/N: I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I am extremely happy and grateful for the amount of love and support I got on this book. I love you all endlessly. I have no words to even describe it and how much I love you.

You all gave me so much motivation to write which I loved. Thank you to everyone who left nice comments and encouraged me.

I still have other books I'm working on you can check out x

But thank you again! I love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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