Morning Hugs

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Adrian kept his promise by sleeping in our bed a lot more. He would cry to sleep in our bed and I couldn't leave him to cry, so every night I brought him to our bed. As soon as he laid between us he had the biggest smile of achievement on his lips.

Adrain was awake kicking his legs and letting out baby gurgles. I turned and just watched him talk away to himself. Shawn opened his eyes as we both watched Adrain who laid between us.

"He so active this early" Shawn laughs and I smiled.

"He's getting so big I can't even believe it" I say and Shawn nods. Adrain looked up at us before squealing  and I leaned down to kiss his little chubby cheeks.

Shawn blew raspberries on his stomach making Adrian laugh. His laugh was so cute, I was in love with it. He was screaming and laughing until his tiny hands grabbed on to the strands of Shawn's hair.

He was pulling Shawn's hair, "ow ow Adrain" Shawn says trying to pry off Adrian's balled up fists.

"Serenity he's pulling on my hair so hard" Shawn complains and I laughed before trying to remove Adrian's hands.

However, Adrian was enjoying it as he kept his fists in a tight hold with Shawn's hair as he gave me a cheeky smile. "Adrain stop" I said as I finally got him to let go of Shawn's hair.

Shawn sat up and frowned at Adrain who just laughed. "This kid, already giving us trouble" Shawn shakes his head at Adrain.

Shawn pouted and leaned over Adrain for a kiss, I grinned and got up leaning to place a kiss on his lips. Adrain kicking his legs and let out a scream and we both pulled away to look at Adrian.

"Does Adrain want some kisses too" Shawn says picking Adrian up and smothered him in kisses. As I watched the interaction between the two my heart swelled.

"Mommy's turn now!" Shawn says passing Adrain to me and I placed little kisses on his cheeks before holding him in my arms. Shawn scooted over and wrapped his arms around me.

"Morning hug" he says placing a kiss on my cheek.

After our morning hugs and cuddles, we had breakfast and I had fed Adrain before leaving him occupied in the baby bouncer watching TV so I could tidy up. Aaliyah was going to be over with Lea in a little while so I decided to bake some cookies for them.

Shawn had gone out saying he would be back quickly so I had Adrain all to myself.

As usual Adrain lost interest in everything in ten minutes as he started crying. I was so thankful as I just had put the cookies into the oven before taking my apron off and wiping my hands. I closed the kitchen door and rushed to the living room.

"What's up now mister" I asked picking him up rocking him in my arms.

"Nothing keeps you entertained or happy anymore" I say and he give me a toothless grin accepting my point.

The front door opened and I hear pacing footsteps before Shawn came in.

"You're back quick" I say and he sniffs the air before taking a few steps forward. He came over and started sniffing me like a dog and then he grabbed my hand and started sniffing my hand.

"What are you doing?" I ask him as he sniffs me and starts sniffing Adrian.

"Are you making cookies?" He asks and I nod. His face lights up at the mention of 'cookies' and he grins.

"Because Aaliyah is coming over and she especially requested my cookies" I sat and Shawn's jaw drops.

"She's not having my cookies" he says shaking his head in disapproval.

"They are not yours and Shawn you can share" I scold and he shakes his head.

The cookies had been made and while they were cooking Shawn sneaked a few with him to the living room and by few, I mean eight. This is why made loads of cookies because of him.

He was laying on the couch watching tv with the plate of cookies in his side and Adrain sleeping on his chest. There was a knock on the door and I quickly rushed to open it. "Hi" Aaliyah exclaimed with a giggly baby on her hip.

"Hi guys! Adrian's asleep so you have to whisper" I whispered and she quietly came in with Lea.

We walked into the living room before Aaliyah sat on the other couch.

"Oh it's you" Shawn says sarcastically to Aaliyah and she sticks her tongue out at him. I laughed at the both.

"I'll put Adrian in his crib so we can have fun without disturbing him" I say taking him off Shawn slowly and taking him back to our room placing a kiss on his cheek and laying him down.

Cookies after cookies, movies after movies and gossip after gossip.

A lot of time went by with Aaliyah and Lea being over, we had so much fun keeping ourselves occupied. Right now we had Disney songs playing as Aaliyah held Lea in her arms and danced around the living room.

I held Adrian in my arms dancing with him and Shawn just sat on the couch recording us. "I love you Prince Adrian" I cooed kissing his nose.

Aaliyah and I sang to 'Hakuna Matata' as we danced around the living room. The whole room was filled with singing and laughter.

Adrian's and Lea's baby laughter echoed throughout the room. "Shawn come and dance with us" I say and he stands up.

Shawn held Adrian with one arm and placed his other arm around my waist, as we all three kind of danced together. "I love you" I grinned at him and he leans down to place a kiss on my lips.

"I love you more" he mumbles against my lips.

"Jesus there are children in the room!" Aaliyah squealed and we broke away before laughing.

We were all so happy in this moment.

After dancing and singing were all were exhausted and I collapsed with Shawn on one couch. Lea was sleeping in Adrian's crib in our room, and Aaliyah sat on the opposite couch holding Adrian.

Right now Adrain has a thing for hair, if he had access to anyone's hair he would tug at it. The last couple of days he had been pulling my hair and today Shawn got to experience it for the first time. So he grasped Aaliyah's long hair in his hands and pulled at it.

"Ow ow Adrian" she says trying to get her hair out of his grasp.

"I'll help" I say to stand up and Shawn wraps his arms around me tightly not letting go and I couldn't even move out of his grasp. "Shawn let me go" I say and he shakes his head.

"Shawn let go of Serenity! It hurts" Aaliyah yells.

"Adrian's getting revenge on behalf of me because you ate my cookies" Shawn protests.

"Ate the cookies that were made for me" she says and I manage to rip Shawn's grasp before flinging to the other couch. I unclenched Adrian's fists releasing Aaliyah's hair.

"I'm so sorry" I say trying to hold my laughter in as I took Shawn from her.

"It's okay Serenity it's expected because it's Shawn's kid" she says and Shawn gasps.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He say and she laughs.

"Remember when you used to pull my hair especially when I had space buns you used to purposely pull them out" she says and I turn to look at Shawn shaking my head.

"Disappointed in you" I say shaking my head and he rolls his eyes.

"Oh come on it was one time and that's because Aaliyah threw my Lego built plane across the living room letting it shatter" he defends and her eyes widen.

"I would never" she says in a fake surprised tone and we all glanced at each other before bursting into laughter...
A/N: Hi everyone! This story is coming to and end soon, so please leave me questions for a Q&A! Thank you! Also the questions some of you have left a few chapters ago will be still used. Thank you again! I love you ❤️

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