Baby Routines

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The last few days has been so hard because Adrian hasn't gotten into a routine yet, he cries through the night and wakes up every three hours to feed. It is hard because me and Shawn barley get any sleep but we have time to sleep durning the morning which is when Adrian is asleep. But we are trying to get him into a routine.

I rolled over draping my body over Shawn's as he wraps his arms over me. It was already 11pm and today thankfully Adrian woke up twice last night and he has been asleep since 4am, so I had enough sleep. I stared at Shawn's sleeping face and he was staring to grow a little stubble because he actually hasn't even had time to shave. My finer traced over his lips and his face before I leaned down to place a kiss on his lips. I tried to get up but Shawn tightened his grip on me, "Shawn I need to go and have breakfast" I whisper and he groans before releasing me.

I stand up and he lays on his stomach burying his head into the pillow. I pull the covers over him before placing a kiss on his head. I quietly looked over the crib and Adrian was fast asleep thankfully. I tip-toe out of the room quietly before making my way into the kitchen. I made myself some toast and drank a glass of orange juice.

After my breakfast I decided to sort out all of the gifts our families and friends had brought. Also a few days ago my whole family visited including all my cousins, uncles and aunts. Then Shawn's family also came. So everyone had seen Adrian and had completely fallen in love with him. My cousin Lana hates babies but when she held Adrian she didn't even want to let go.

I sat down on the floor opening the bags and boxes which were filled with cute outfits that I adored. My parents had also brought us a baby bouncer. Karen and Manny has brought us the baby bath. I threw out the wrapping paper and other rubbish into the trash and sorted all the gifts out. I lined up all the cards on the shelf above the tv.

I sat back down on the couch just as I was about to turn on the tv Adrian started crying. I sighed and dragged myself back into our room. "I'll get him" I say as Shawn was just about to get out of bed, he nods before laying back down.

I walked over to the crib looking inside to see Adrian's little face all red and his eyes all watery. He was so cute and it melted my heart. "Oh my baby why are you crying?" I coo picking him up and cradling him in my arms to quieten him down. I place his blue pacifier back into his mouth. "You need a diaper change" I say as I could smell the stench from his diaper.

I placed him on the changing mat before taking his clothes off and changing his diaper. "Let's get you into some fresh clothes" I say as I put on a striped onesie but it was a summer onesie. Which didn't cover his feet so you could see his cute feet out. "You have the cutest feet" I say kissing his tiny feet.

"You are so cute, aren't you just so handsome" I coo brushing my nose against his. "You are so handsome just like your daddy" I say placing a kiss on his cheek. I held him in one arm and in my other hand I had his diaper which I had to throw out. I left Shawn to sleep in the room as I took Adrian out into the living room with me.

I sat down on the couch with him in my arms, I turned the tv as I leaned back into the couch. I looked at Adrian and he was looking up at me with his beautiful forest green eyes. "I love you so much Adrian, I can't even explain how much I love you" I say placing light kisses all over his place making his lips curl into a small smile.

"Did you just smile? Did you smile for mommy?" I say as I kiss his face again and I brush my nose against his. He gives me a small smile again making my heart completely melt. My thumb stroked his soft cheek, "We will have to show daddy your beautiful smile when he wakes up" I say holding Adrian close to me.

Half way through watching an episode of 'friends' Adrian started crying. He was hungry now so I laid him comfortably in my arms before I let him latch on and start feeding. Our bedroom door opened and Shawn walked into the living room rubbing his eyes. "Morning Baby" Shawn says placing a kiss on the top of my head. "How was your long sleep?" I ask and he sighs.

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