Bonus Chapters: Gender

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I was now three months officially and my bump was growing, my bump was pretty small at three months then when I was with Adrian. When I went to a check-up last week they said that it was fine. We also were supposed to find out the gender of our baby but because the baby was in a awkward position so we couldn't find out. But today we were going to go again to find out.

My sickness was incredibly horrible, I was constantly throwing everything up. I was very exhausted and tired but it was slightly calming down. I was laying in bed right now, while Shawn went to feed Adrian breakfast. I had a milkshake beside me which I was sipping on it but it wasn't settling that much.

"Mommy!" Adrian screams as Shawn walked in with him and threw him on to bed. He screamed and giggled before crawling up to me and hugging me. I curled him close to my side and I placed a kiss on his head and Shawn came curling back into bed.

"What did you give him for breakfast?" I ask Shawn and he grins.

"He have chocolate-chip pancakes made by me" He says proudly and I laugh.

"Surprised after two years you can make them without burning" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay I guess, just feeling a bit nauseous but it's not as bad as it has been" I say and he frowns before kissing my cheek. "I'm sorry" he mumbles and I shake my head. I pout my lips and Shawn leans forward kissing my lips.

"Mommy! Mommy" Adrian squeals patting my face making me turn to him. "Yes baby" I say and he smiles.

"Kiss kiss" he says and I laugh before giving him and kiss then he turns to Shawn getting a kiss off Shawn.

"You are so adorable" I smile pinching his little cheeks making me squeal and jump around on the bed. "Adrian be careful" Shawn says moving him away from me so he doesn't fall.

Adrian still doesn't understand the concept of a baby being inside of me right now. He knows there is something up because in the morning when he's laying beside me he places his hands on my bump. He examines it and looks at it weirdly and his face makes me laugh.

Sometimes he will pull my shirt up up to see the bump, then pulls his own shirt up to look at his chubby stomach and sometimes does it to Shawn. He was so adorable when he examines the bump, he seems either very interested or very confused by it.

Shawn held Adrian's hands as he stood on Shawn's chest. "What do you think it's going to be?" Shawn asks and I shrug.

"I don't mind whether it's a girl of boy, but I think having a girl would be nice" I say and he nods.

"I think-ow Adrian!" Shawn says as Adrian was now jumping on Shawn's chest. I grab him and lay him beside me as I smother him in kisses making him laugh..

"Anyway we need to get ready and going" Shawn says and I nod as we all slowly got up to get ready.

Once we were ready we drive to the hospital and of course Adrian fell asleep which meant Shawn had to carry him. We were sat in the waiting room and it felt like old memories came back, just being here two years ago and now we're here again. "Look who's awake?" Shawn says and I turn to see Adrian's eyes open as he was adjusting to the light. As soon as he was awake he immediately wanted me, I slowly picked him up and cuddled him to my side as we waited.

"Serenity Mendes, please come through" the nurse calls and again Shawn takes Adrian as we follow the nurse into the room.

I laid down on the bed and got ready, beside me Shawn sat in a chair with Adrian. The nurse applied the cold gel and then started rolling the thing around my stomach. Shawn held my hand as we both looked at the screen of the small baby. My eyes flooded with tears as I heard the heartbeat.

Every time I heard the heartbeat my whole body melted. The sound of your child's heartbeat was something indescribable.

"Well I'm happy to tell you both, that the gender of your baby is a BOY! Congratulations you are both having another boy" she says and happiness flooded through my body as I looked at Shawn who had tears in his eyes. He immediately leaned down and kissed my lips as he wiped my eyes. 

Once I was fully checked and sent home, me and Shawn were curled on the couch together. Adrian was playing and running around the living room.

"Another Adrian can you believe?" Shawn laughs and I shake my head.

"I'm so happy, I guess our household will be full of boys, huh?" I say an Shawn grins.

"Maybe but I hope we do have a girl in the future, I think it would be a fun and different experience" he says and I nod.

"Me too I would like a little girl too, we have Skylar but we haven't had a proper chance to see her grow from a baby" I say and he nods.

"Mommy! Daddy! Sit sit" Adrian yells as he climbs on to the couch between me and Shawn successfully.

"Every time Adrian, every time you get to be in the middle" Shawn says and he grins before looking at me making me laugh.

"Now were going to have two fighting in between us" I say and Shawn groans.

"I hope not or they are moving out" he jokes and I hit his arm.

"Stop they are not moving out till thirty" I say and Shawn rolls his eyes before we both started laughing.

"Adrian baby?" Shawn says and Adrian looks up at him.

"Do you know your going to have a baby brother, which means you're going to be a big brother!" Shawn exclaims and he looks confused for a minute.

"Baby" He says with a confused look and Shawn nods placing his hand on my bump.

"There's going to be another baby in the house soon, another little kid for you to play with" Shawn says and Adrian looks up at me. His eyes filled with tears and his little lip quivering before he bursted into tears.

"Oh my baby, it's okay Adrian" I cooed hugging him while he bawled his eyes out.

"Jesus, he is one jealous kid" Shawn laughs and I shake my head.

"Adrian don't be jealous we love you lots" I say and he cries even more making me and Shawn laugh at how jealous he was.

"He gets his jealousy from you, this is your fault" I say and Shawn gasps.

"Excuse me! I wasn't this jealous, Adrian you're man now you can't be crying" Shawn jokes and I gasp.

"That's it off this couch, leave my baby alone" I say making Adrian giggle as we kicked Shawn off the couch.

"You both are so unfair" Shawn says crossing his arms, me and Adrian both stuck our tongues out at him. Adrian laughed and squealed at Shawn before he got off the couch and ran to Shawn.

Shawn threw Adrian over his shoulder as he ran around the living room with him. "Mommy!" Adrian screamed as Shawn ran around with him making me laugh.

After twenty minutes of Adrain and Shawn playing around, all of their energy was drained. Shawn was laying with me in his arms and Adrian in mine as he was fast asleep taking a nap.

I looked down at Adrian his small face as peaceful and relaxed, with his brown hair. He looked exactly like Shawn just with green eyes. "My jealous baby" I giggled before placing a kiss on his forehead...
A/N: leave some boys names in the comments, if I don't choose it don't be upset haha xx I love you!

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