Our Little Angel

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I was laying on the bed where I had been for almost three hours since my water had broke and I was still getting contractions. I was only three centimetres dilated and I had to get to ten centimetres so we had a long time to go. Shawn was sat beside me feeding me ice chips. "I'm so tired, I just want to go home and eat real food" I cried and he sighs.

"I know, I promise to buy you whatever you want after this. Not long left" he says pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Ow ow ow" I whine as I shifted slightly in the bed before letting out a dramatic sigh.

The hospital door suddenly opened making our heads shoot up seeing my mom. "Mom!" I yelled and she came rushing over with tears in her eyes giving me a hug and kiss on my cheek.

"Oh honey! I came as soon as I could, whats the update" she says and I sigh.

"Shawn and tell you because I'm too tired" I say closing my eyes but still opening my mouth so Shawn could feed me a piece of ice.

"Well, her water broke three hours ago and she's been in labour for the past five hours now. Also she's only three centimetres dilated" he explains.

"Wow! I'm so proud of you Serenity, you don't understand how proud we are" my mom coos placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Shut up!" I snap making them immediately quiet.

The door opened with a nurse walking in coming to check on the machines which they did regularly. I felt another jab of sharp pain, "Ow" I hissed in pain.

"I'm going to get Val to check how far along you have been dilated" she says and I hum.

"Good Morning!" Val's chirpy voice was heard as she walked in through the door but I was not in a good mood.

"Right lets hope you're dilated a bit more because this little guy is refusing to come out" she laughs and Shawn just chuckles. She lifts the blanket to check if I've been dilated enough and at the same time Shawn was trying to lodge another piece of ice into my mouth.

"I have good news we're at seven centimetres finally we're getting close, I guess we all need to be ready now" she exclaims.

"Thank fucking God we're nearly there I'm so tired" I yell and let out a dramatic sigh.

"Just close your eyes a little and then we can see how far we are getting" she says leaving the room.

"Give me your hand" I say to Shawn and he gives me his hand. I intertwine my fingers with his before I close my eyes holding his hand.

I fell asleep for only about thirty minutes before I had nurses lifting the blanket of me checking me out, sticking stuff on me and just distrusting my sleep.

My mom was fast asleep on the couch in the corner and Shawn just rested next to me. "Shawn I'm tired now" I say and he nods.

He presses a kiss on my forehead and then my lips, "I know you're tired but look how far we are, you're doing great. Making all of us proud! I promise after this you can sleep for days and not move at all. I know you're tired and in pain but I love you so much for doing this. Just keep doing those breathing exercises" he says and I nod slowly as he places another kiss on my hand.

The door burst open with multiple nurses and the mid-wife, who came in sorting everything and I was pretty sure that we were ready for this baby to come out. My palms were sweating and I looked at Shawn with worry but he just patted my head and smiled at me.

"It looks like we're all ready because you are ten centimetres now" Val says calling her hands.

They raised the bed higher and separated my legs lifting them both up. All the nurses had everything ready and the room was so crowded.

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