Trashed Files

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"We have so much cake and pizza left" Shawn groans from the kitchen and I sigh taking sips of my hot chocolate.

"Just take some cake with us to the office, Jessica left me a really nice text yesterday" I yell from the couch. After a few minutes Shawn returned with a plastic tub filled with the left of red velvet cake from yesterday. There was so much we could let it go to waste so why not give some out at work.

I stood up taking my mug to the kitchen leaving it in the sink to clean it later. "Are you feeling better?" He asks as we both walk out of our apartment.

"Much better then the last few days. The back pain has decreased probably from your nightly massages" I wink poking his side making him grin.

"Anything for your comfort" he says and I shake my head before entering the elevator.

Shawn placed his free hand on my back as we walked through the double doors and straight into work where Amy was sat in her usual seat. "Happy belated birthday!" She chirped happily.

"Thank you, we've brought some cake if you want some" I say and she nods happily.

"I'll drop a slice of cake off at your desk" I say and she thanks me before me and Shawn head into the elevator. We put the cake into the staff room fridge for anyone to help themselves to.

I kissed Shawn goodbye before going to my office and I opened the door to see three piles of huge files I had to work through. Taking only two days off yet I've had a weeks worth of work to do and the launch was just two weeks away.

I sighed walking over to my desk and there was a pile which had a pink label on with junk written on it. I looked through the first few they were just contract details probably old. I grabbed the junk pile and threw them into the trash before returning back to my desk. I logged into the computer before going through my emails.

The door swung open revealing Jessica making me smile instantly. "Happy belated Birthday Mrs Mendes" she says walking over to my desk. My heart melted at how kind she was. I stood up approaching her.

"Thank you, Oh give me a hug" I squeal before giving her a light hug.

"Call me Serenity you don't have to be so formal" I giggle and she nods.

"How have you been I heard you weren't well?" She asks.

"Just been having terrible back aches but I'm coping" I say and she nods.

"Well I will let you get back to work as I have to tend back upstairs" she says as I wave her out of my office.

I sit back down going through file after file signing and scanning the designs for the launch. I grabbed the file with the final designs before walking out of my office and towards the design department. I open door which led me into the department which had loads of desks with loads of employees working. I made my way to Jasmines office she was second-in command of the design department.

"Hi Jasmine, I've brought the finally design idea through." I say walking over to hand her the file.

"Thank you Mrs Mendes, I'll be sure to process this in for the launch and I'll email you" she says and I nod making my way back out of her office and back to mine. I heard Shawn's booming voice coming from my office.

I stepped inside seeing him yell at Jessica and Alana. The second my heels clicked against the floor their heads snapped up towards me. "Hi" I squeaked before shutting the door behind me. Shawn looked pissed as both Jessica and Alana stood their quietly.

"Serenity did you have a pile of finances and contracts?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah Why?"'I say and he sighs in relief.

"Because Alana accidentally delivered it to your desk yesterday with out double checking it was for me" he says and my mouth turns into a 'O' shape.

"Where is it?" He asks following me to desk.

"I threw them in the trash" I say and I hear him gasp deeply.

"The trash! Why the fućk would you throw them away in the trash are you stupid!" He yells making me feel embarrassed in front of Alana and Jessica.

My mouth fell agape at his rude behaviour towards me especially in front of Alana and Jessica.

"It was labelled junk mail so I assumed it was junk so I threw it in the trash, I didn't know it was important or yours. I'm sorry" I say and he groans pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Didn't you check through them at least! How could you be careless of throwing them away" he yells and my eyes were feeling watery but I forced them not to fall.

"Stop yelling at me it was your assistant's fault not mine. And again it was labelled J-U-N-K so I threw it in the trash" I say with my voice raised and he rolls his eyes.

"Serenity- Ugh you done understand how important that was!" He says and right now I was pissed because first he was yelling at me like in front of his assistants and second I didn't do anything wrong.

This whole situation was so embarrassing and I have never felt more degraded the this.

"I'm sorry okay! Just get another copy printed or something or check my trash can" I says and he sighs before walking over to the trash. "It's been cleaned out" he groans.

"Just print off another copy" I suggest and he scoffs.

"Well if I could, I would have printed another fućking copy but I can't!" He yelled slamming his fists on the desk making me, Alana and Jessica jump in fear. Tears started brimming in my eyes as I looked down at my hands.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know" Is all I could croak out and he stood up tall.

He clicked his finger making Jessica and Alana scramble to their feet as the way walk out of the door. "No one can even do their fućking job right!" He screams walking out of my office slamming my office door shut with a loud bang.

"Oh give me a break" I cried into my palms. Right now I was feeling so embarrassed he yelled at me like that in front of Jessica and Alana.

On top of that he was blaming me for Alana's stupid mistake. I really felt stupid.

I left work slightly early because I couldn't take anymore of Shawn's mood swings and complaining anymore.

It was too much stress on me and our baby and I just needed to get away from the stress. Of course Shawn wasn't bothered and didn't even apologise.

I kicked off my heels changing into my pyjamas and wiping off my makeup. Before I took myself to the kitchen to warm up some left over pizza from yesterday.

I grabbed my plate and cup of soda before plopping down on the couch. I switched on some Netflix watch what ever was on. I sank back into the couch biting into my pizza.

After one slice I couldn't eat even though I was hungry, I couldn't eat because the screaming-match that me and Shawn had earlier kept repeating in my head. I wasn't in a happy mood I was in earlier, I was very upset.

I grabbed my pink fluffy blanket and draped it over myself, as I curled into the couch being swamped by all the pillows. I closed my eyes but tears kept spilling down my cheeks because of Shawn's very rude behaviour.

Before I knew it, I cried myself to sleep...
A/N: Thank you for 5k+ reads! I'm so grateful and  I am so happy that you all are loving this story! You all make my day with your lovely comments. This make me want to write more as I'm going through a bit of a rough time right now.

Anyway thank you all so much! Love you all! And we mad it to number #1 in Serenity! 💕💕

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