Mama's Boy

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Today was Thursday unfortunately and that meant Shawn had to leave for Sweden today. We packed his bag during this week making sure he's prepared for his two day trip.

I walked into our room where Shawn was with Adrian in his lap. "Good morning my favourite boys" I sing as I walked in with a plate of Shawn's favourite blueberry pancakes, seeing a grin on his face.

I gave him the plate and in exchange he handed me Adrian. I sat down beside Shawn while he started eating his breakfast, I laid Adrian down in my arms as I started to feed him.

"These are the best pancakes ever" Shawn mumbles and I giggle.

Adrian's small hand was rested at the top of my chest scratching the skin trying to find comfort while he fed. It hurt but I wanted him to eat in comfort. "I can't believe you're going soon" I say with a sigh and he frowns.

"I'm going to miss you both so much, heck I already miss you guys" he says and I laugh.

"I'm going to miss you too but I'm going to keep myself busy so time will fly by faster" I say and he nods.

"While you're there I don't want you to stay out too late and no drinking please because you're a mess when you're drunk. Call me every time you get a chance. Make sure you eat on time and leave work aside to focus on your health" I say to him and he grins.

"I promise I will take care of myself don't worry, but I want you to look after yourself and Adrian too" He say and I nod.

"I want you to stay home and if you go out the make sure you're home by 8pm. Don't open to door to someone you don't know and if you want food call my mom or Jay to drop some off for you" he says and I nod to all his rules.

"I promise we will be safe" I say as I lace my hand with Shawn's as his hand was free because he finished eating. He placed the plate down on his beside table before curling closer to me and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Once this project is over I won't be going into work or doing much work for a while" he says as he plays with Adrian's tiny baby feet.

"I can't wait for it to be over quickly" I say as I look down at Adrian who was contently feeding.

"Do you know what I really need before I go?" He say and I shake my head.

"One of your really good neck massages, please" he says looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"Of course I will give you one" I say and he grins before moving his face up to kiss my lips.

Adrian had finished feeding and we played and talked to him for a while before he fell asleep. I placed him back in his crib before heading to the drawer to grab a bottle of oil to massage Shawn's neck with.

As I turned around from the drawer I saw Shawn sat with his shirt off, with his hand behind his head flexing his biceps.

"Like what you see?" He smirked as he caught me staring at him.

"Very much" I replied before making my way on to the bed.

He was sat up and I sat behind him comfortably. I poured some oil into my palms rubbing my hands together to warm my hands before placing them on his shoulders.

I kneeled behind him so I had full access to massage him properly. My hands started moving in a rhythm removing the tender and tenseness on his neck and shoulders.  "That feels good" he moans with a satisfied sigh escaping his lips. I laughed and shook my head as I continued to massage him.

Once I finished massaging him, he took himself to have a hot shower and to fully get freshened up before he leaves. In that time I double checked he had everything packed and ready to go as hi car was picking him up at 11am.

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