Hot Brownies

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Last night we managed to calm Skylar down by playing some games and watching movies but the hard part was the sleeping arrangements because she moves around and kicks a lot in her sleep. So I took the couch letting Shawn and Skylar have the bed. The couch was uncomfortable barely letting me get anything more the four hours of sleep, which is not enough.

I started cooking breakfast as they were still asleep, I made some waffles and cut out some strawberries, placing them onto two plates. I walked to our room open the door seeing Skylar all sprawled over Shawn, it was such a sight to see. Truly beautiful. I took myself over to before bending down slowly and running my fingers through Shawn's hair making his eyes flutter open. "Hi" I smile and he smile sleepily.

He got himself up and Skylar who had her arms wrapped around his neck and her little legs wrapped around his stomach. I opened the door letting him out with Skylar as the both walked to the kitchen. "I made breakfast!" I exclaimed as Shawn put Skylar down in the counter.

"Waffles! Sawberry!" She says unable to pronounce the word strawberry properly. It's was so adorable.

"Shall I feed you?" I ask her and she nods rubbing her eyes. I stood in front of her cutting a few pieces of her waffle before feeding it to her.

"Mmm yummy" she says with a satisfied grin. Shawn starts the coffee maker and as soon as the smell hits my nose I immediately feel sick.

"Shawn! Turn it off!" I yell and he panics before pulling out the plug quickly. Skylar sat giggling because she had no idea what was going on.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"The smell of coffee is making me sick these days. I'm sorry but as soon as I smell it I feel like throwing up" I say and he sighs before walking over to me placing his head on my shoulder and his arms around my bump.

"It's okay I'll take four months of no coffee. That means I'll have to drink a ton at work" he laughs and I sigh.

I continue feeding Skylar her breakfast as Shawn sits down eating his. "This is delicious" he says and I smile before pinching Skylar's little cheeks making her squeal and giggle.

Once they had breakfast we were in the living room dancing to 'Let it Go' as Skylar insisted on playing it. Shawn held her hand as they danced around then she ran to the couch pulling me up making me dance with them.

"Aaah mama and dada dance" she squeals watching me and Shawn dance together. I took her hand and spun her around and then she got on to the coffee table copying Elsa's moves from the tv. She sang her heart out while dancing and Shawn took this chance to take a few videos of her.

Shawn and I stood watching her enjoy herself, "she's such a little princess" he says and I agree shaking my head. I wrapped my arm around his waist curling into his side.

"The amount of energy she has amazes me. Watching her makes me tired" I say and he laughs shaking his head.

"Oh we have our five month scan and we can find out the gender too" I squeal and he laughs.

"We definitely having another princess" he says and I scoff.

"No we shall be having a little prince" I say and he shakes his head.

"Skylar and I are on team girl though so you're by yourself" he says and I cross my arms.

"Hmm well once see tomorrow's results we can fight then" I say and he laughs.

"Either way I'm happy, I don't care if it's a girl or boy" he says.

"Me too, I don't mind at all" I say and he smiles placing a kiss on my lips.

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