Bonus Chapter: Copy Cat

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(A/N: Short but it made me laugh haha x)

Adrian was in his 'terrible twos' stage. Everyone complained about this stage for kids being, naughty and causing trouble. Adrian has hit that stage, he was causing trouble, having tantrums and worst of all copying. He copied everything Shawn and I did so we had to be very careful with everything we say. So we had to call each other 'mommy' and 'daddy' in front of him because he would have called us by our name.

It was very hard because he was at the exploring stage where everything interested him, and by everything he picked the daisy from the backyard and tasted them which made him sick. He was a handful but at the same time he was a good and cute that we couldn't be mad at him. He would cuddle us and just be so cute which made it so hard to be mad at him.

Also discipline, did not work in this house. At all.

Whenever we tried Adrian would laugh at us because we could never be mad at him. All he had to do was say 'I love you' to get out of trouble. And it worked every time because we would just forget and end up cuddling him. Which is wrong but he was just too cute and made it hard to discipline.

"Good morning" Shawn says walking into our room after using the bathroom. He walked over and instead of laying on his side of the bed he came and laid on top of me. My eyes were half opened and a sleepy smile plastered on to my face as his face was right in front of mine.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as his head rested on my chest and his body crushing me. Adrain was sat on the pillows looking at us and then decided to crawl on top of Shawn. So now they were both on top of me, a small giggle left my lips.

"Up daddy, up" Adrain says patting Shawn's back so he would get up but Shawn didn't move. I laughed as Adrian moved more closer and now went to pull Shawn's hair. "Up up daddy" He laughs tugging on Shawn's hair so he would get off me.

"Ow ow Adrian" Shawn says and I grab a hold of Adrian's hands as he releases Shawn's hair. "Adrain we don't do that to people, that is not nice" I say and he frowns. "Say sorry Adrian" I say and he sighs before looking at Shawn.

"Sowy daddy" he says patting Shawn's back and I smiled at him. "Up up!" He squeals with his little fists coming in contact with Shawn's back.

"Jesus, okay Adrian I'm getting up" Shawn says lifting his head up with a frown, he kissed my lips and held Adrian before slipping off me. Adrain immediately replaces Shawn's spot as he cuddled into my chest and looked up at Shawn with a cheeky grin.

"Oh so you pulled me off, to have mommy all to yourself" Shawn says and Adrian giggles as he hid his face away from Shawn. But Shawn pulled him off me making Adrian squeal and Shawn tickles him making him laugh and scream. My heart melted at the sight of their bond with each other.

"All right lets go and have some breakfast now" I say and Shawn stops and scoops Adrian into his arms and we all walked downstairs together.

I made my way into the kitchen and decided to make some pancakes which were Adrian's new favourite at the moment. I hummed quietly as I started making breakfast, both of the boys had disappeared out of sight.

After a few minutes I was cooking the pancakes I heard some footsteps and it was Shawn. He came with a smirk on his face and waltzed over to me and immediately his hand slapped my butt making me jump and gasp. My cheeks flushed and he laughed before wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek. Shawn stood beside me and then I felt a small hand on my behind, making me gasp turning to see Adrian.

Oh my God.

My son just slapped my butt.

I wanted to laugh because he had no idea what he just did. But I also wanted to punch Shawn, because he seen Shawn do it. I groaned and mentally face-palmed myself.

"Adrian we don't that, and never do it again" Shawn scolds him and he frowns before hugging my leg to hideaway from Shawn. I turned to stove off so the pancakes would burn.

"I can't believe he just did that" Shawn says and my face was still him shock. "Well it's your fault!" I snap and Shawn's eyes widen.

"You know he's in that stage and he copies everything you do Shawn! We have to be careful" I snap and he sighs.

"Alright I'm sorry, but don't blame the shit on me because he copies you too" Shawn says and both of our eyes widen at the word shit. Adrian kept saying it and we told him not to.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit" Adrain giggles and now I was angry at Shawn, who gulped as I glared at him.

"I'm sorry, I mess up every time" Shawn says and I shake my head. "It's fine, don't blame yourself just please be careful." I say and he sighs kissing my cheek.

I lifted Adrian up and put him on the counter, "Adrain baby, we don't not say that word. It's a very bad word. If you say that again it will make mommy and daddy sad. No more" I say and he nods before I smile and his his head.

"I lovey you mommy and daddy" he grinned at us showing his cute little teeth. My heart clenched and I smiled at him. "We lovey you too" Shawn says picking Adrian up and throwing him into the air.

We have to be very careful because he copied everything Shawn did.

After breakfast Shawn was working and I was on the couch talking to my mom and Adrian was playing with the tv on in the background. I smiled at the little boy who had stolen my heart, I loved him with all of my heart.

I watched as he climbed up on the coffee table with a box of blocks next to him. He looked at me and grinned, "Adrian no don't you dare throw that" I say sternly and as always he did the opposite. He threw the box of blocks to the ground which made a loud sound and scattered everywhere. "ADRIAN!" I yelled at him and he jumped on the couch, slipping off and running away.

I got off the couch to chase him and I followed him as he screamed and yelled looking back at me. He went straight into Shawn's office as the door was opened. Shawn's head shot up as he watched Adrian's little body come towards him, Shawn scooped him up and cuddled him. "What's up" Shawn says and I roll my eyes.

"Adrian threw his blocks in the floor after I told him not to" I say and Shawn looks at Adrian before looking back at me. "Well he's your son" Shawn shrugs and I gasp.

"Your son"Adrian repeats after Shawn making Shawn smirk.

"Even he agrees?"Shawn laughs and I groan at him and glare at him.

"Right right" Shawn mumbles

"Adrain you need to listen to mommy. Be a good boy and listen or you will make mommy sad" Shawn says sweetly and Adrain nods. I sighs and walked over to them, Shawn pulled me on to his right thigh. "Your son is hard work" I say and Shawn laughs.

"I love you both, even though you both tire me out" I say kissing Shawn and pulling Adrain closer between us as I kissed his cheek.

"Shit" Adrian giggles and I glare at Shawn.

Here we go again...

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