Bonus Chapters: Pools

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The summer had come and all the kids loved playing outside and they especially loved the pool. Shawn got the boys dress while I put on Sofia's bright pink bathing suit. She was so excited even though she still couldn't swim.

I picked her up and cuddled her before kissing her head and letting her go. She immediately ran to the back yard and I followed her to see Shawn and the boys already in the pool.

"Daddy!" She screamed racing to jump in and obviously panic was on my face and Shawn's, he quickly grabbed her as she jumped. He held her in the water and I laughed before sitting on the edge of the pool with just my legs in.

Adrian learnt fully how to swim and we were so proud of him and Noah was getting there. "Mommy look at me!" Adrian yells and I watch as he swims right to me.

"Wow that's amazing Adrian, you need to teach me out to swim one day because I forgot" I say and he grins.

"I'll teach you mommy" he says and I smile before watching him swing my off. Shawn came over with Sofia and he came in between my legs and smiled up at me. Sofia got out and stood behind me playing with my hair.

"You look really good. In that bathing suit" Shawn winks and I feel my cheeks flush. He laughed and rest his head on my thigh making me flushed.

"What do you think you're doing?" I say running my fingers through his hair and closes his eyes.

"Seems like you're having fun?" Shawn says and I nod trying not to wince at Sofia pulling my hair.

"Just enjoying the sun" I say and he shakes his head.

"Come in the pool with us" he pleads and I shake my head 'no'.

"I'm okay next time" I say and he frowns.

"Mommy swim with us" Adrain says as he comes closer to us and I frown not wanting to upset him.

"Next time baby, not today" I say and he frowns.

"Mommy!" Noah yelled and I looked over at the little toddler who was waving at me. "Hi"

"Hi baby" I smiled and waved back at him.

Shana held my hands, "Shawn I swear if you pull me-" I was cut off as he pulled me into the water making scream. Both Adrian and Sofia were squealing in excitement and clapping their hands at their father. "Shawn!" I yell as I was coughing out the salty water.

Noah started crying making us all quickly turn to him and I was confused for a minute. Shawn grabbed him and held him but he went straight to me. "Noah why are you crying?" I ask him as he cried into my chest.

Shawn places his hand on Noah's back while Noah cried. "M-mommy is h-hurt" he says and my heart melted completely.

He was so pure and fragile. Bless him.

"Mommy's fine, I'm okay baby. Nothing happened to me, daddy pulled me into the water but I'm okay" I say assuring him I was fine. He must have got scared from the loud noises which was only for fun and the coughing. He was such a sweet boy.

"Are you s-sure?" He says looking up at me and I giggle before giving him a nod and kissing his red cheeks.

"Definitely a mommy's boy, only care about your mom don't you" Shawn says tickling him making him laugh.

Sofia did not want Noah to have all the attention so she made her way around to us and stood on the edge of the pool for Shawn to pull her back into the water.

After that all of played in the pool for almost an hour just enjoying it.

After showers and changing into pyjamas all the kids were downstairs watching a movie and were patiently were waiting for the pizza to come. I dried my hair and slipped into my pyjamas as Shawn did. I stretched and walked over to Shawn who sat at the edge of the bed watching me. He pulled me into his lap. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"Tired?" He says and with his hands rubbing up and down my back. "Mmmhm" I mumble against his neck.

"Well we can come to bed early and cuddle" he says and I smile.

The bell rang indicating the pizza was here so I groaned and came off Shawn's lap before we headed downstairs. All three of them were stood by the door waiting for pizza. Shawn paid the man and brought in the pizzas as he set them down on the counter.

We all sat around eating the pizza and Sofia was making a mess everywhere. "This is so yummy, pizza is my favourite" Adrian says taking another bite.

"Pizza is your mommy's favourite too" Shawn says and I nod taking a bite.

"I like pizza" Noah mumbles looking at me and I laughed before watching him take a bite.

After their dinner and Sofia's dinner which ended up all over the floor, we tucked them all into bed. Adrian and Sofia are the firsts ones to fall asleep straightaway but Noah took a bit of time. He would roll around and sometimes me or Shawn would have to cuddle him until he fell asleep.

Sofia slept in her own room, she was youngest to move into her room at one. Adrian and Noah went into their own rooms at two.

I missed having my little babies in bed but also I missed just having all the attention from Shawn.

I laid in bed and cuddled into Shawn with a content smile on my face. He smiled and kissed my forehead and I kissed his clothed chest because I was to tired to lift my head up. "The only time we get to ourselves" Shawn says and I hum.

"Feels nice to just be alone" I say and Shawn kisses me once more pulling me into his chest more. I inhaled his scent and I closed my eyes falling asleep...

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