Bonus Chapter: Premature

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I was in the hospital bed hooked up to all these wires and I was terrified. This has never happened to me with Adrian and I was a month away from the due date. Shawn was equally as terrified because the nurses that we're checking me looked very stressed and worried.

He held my hand and wiped my eyes while they were checking me over. "So Mrs Mendes it looks like this little guy is ready to come out" she says and my eyes widened.

"But I'm not due for another month" I say and he nods.

"I know but it seems like he's going to be a very early baby, which does happen so there is nothing to be afraid of. He is going to be premature but it's nothing too much to worry about" she explains and I look at Shawn who nods and kisses my hand.

I wasn't ready at all, I had no clothes or any of the baby's things. I was not physically, emotionally or mentally ready. I was extremely scared but I had to take deep breaths and relax because this was happening. Now.

"Baby it's okay, relax he's going to be fine. You're going to be fine. He's a very impatient baby because he wants to come out now" Shawn laughs pressing a kiss on to my lips and I nodded.

"We need to get him out now" the nurse orders as a load of people crowded in my room.

Both Shawn and I were given masks and plastic shower-cap type of things to wear. They made Shawn also wear a hospital gown over his clothes. And this all did not seem like a good sign at all which was making me more stressed.

"Mrs Mendes you are all ready I can see, I need a push now" she says and I nod.

Tears flowing out of my eyes as I held on to Shawn's hand and he kept squeezing my hand.

"1...2...3" she says and I take a deep breath before giving all my power to push. All I did was one push and all the pain decreasing before a loud cry erupted making my chest tighten and more tears brim down my cheeks. It was all so quick they placed the ring baby on my chest and I leaned up to give him a light kiss. Shawn's eyes were filled with tears but they had to take him away from us.

They took him away to get him ready and everything and I needed a few seconds to catch a break.

Everything thing happened so quickly and it was the fastest delivery ever, I didn't even have to push that much and he came out.

I had a shower and I ate a bit of food before I was laying on the bed and Shawn was laying beside me. My mom, Karen, my dad, Manny and Aaliyah were sitting on the couches and the whole room was quiet.

We had balloons lined up against the wall but none of the nurses brought our baby back yet. We've been sitting here for the last two hours waiting to get an update.

The door opened revealing a nurse who had her clipboard. She came over and I gulped with a lot of fear. "So because he is premature we've had to put him in an incubator. It's nothing to worry about because he is stable. We are bringing him in here but only two people can stay in this room because his body is weak and we can't have any infections spreading to him" she explains and everyone nods.

Everyone gave me and hug before saying goodbye understanding that they couldn't see him. So it was me and Shawn left in the room, he helped me off the bed as the nurses came in.

There in the incubator hooked up to wires was our little baby asleep. He was extremely tiny and really pink. The incubator was completely closed off only a little gap for us to put our hand through. My heart instantly broke looking at him in all the wires. He was in a very fragile state right now and I wanted nothing more but to hold him in my arms but I couldn't.

I have never seen anything like this before and to see it happening to your own child was the worst. I prayed he would get better quickly.

Tears spilled from my eyes as I stood beside the incubator looking at him. Shawn had his arms wrapped around me as we both stood in the quiet room staring at him. "So do you guys have a name?" She asks and I wipe my eyes before looking up at her. Shawn nods and gives my shoulders a squeeze.

"Noah-Dylan Mendes" I say with a smile and she smiles writing it down.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful baby" she says and we smile at her.

She left the room and I immediately broke into tears and sobbed into Shawn's chest. "This is all my fault" I cried and Shawn rubbed my back.

"Don't cry and it's not your fault. We did everything and you did everything but he was born slightly early. He's fine just a little weak now but I'm so proud of you and how you are handled it. I love you so much" he says wiping my eyes and then hugging me tightly.

"He's going to be okay?"

"He's going to be perfectly fine, our family has strong genes and I can proudly say it's from you. He's going to be fine but please don't cry. You did amazing and he is the most cutest baby ever" he says and I nod.

"We just have to wait now for our little soldier to get better" he says and I smile down at Noah.

Even though everything happened so quickly and in a rush. He was going to be okay and I was going to be okay.

There wasn't much we could do in this hospital room, I couldn't even hold Noah at all. No one was allowed to come into our room so I had to FaceTime everyone so they could see Noah.

And when I called to see Adrian he was having a great time but kept asking when I was going to come home. I wasn't sure when I was going to come home because of Noah's state but I would stay however long in this horrible hospital room, if it meant Noah was healthy.

I was curled up with Shawn as I played with his fingers and the small tv playing in the background. We had nurses coming in and out every few minutes to cheek up on me and Noah. There was nothing more that I wanted then to go home with our baby.


Everything was going to be okay...

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