The Beach

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"I hate this! I hate this!" Shawn yelled in frustration kicking the cardboard box.

He was currently trying to build a baby play mat but he couldn't do it. It was very amusing to watch him, even Adrian found it funny as he was squealing.

"You think that's funny Adrian? I'm making this for you" Shawn asked Adrian who was sitting in my lap.

Shawn crawled over to us and sat right in front of us. "Is it funny?" Shawn coos before taking Adrian from me and holds him up in the air.

Adrian was squealing and kicking his legs in the air. Shawn blew raspberries on Adrian's tummy making him laugh.

Adrian's laugh was the sweetest laugh ever. It was such a beautiful sound my heart melted hearing the sound and seeing the beautiful smile on his face.

As Adrian was growing he was getting bigger and also he was starting to to get curly hair like Shawn. He was a splitting image of Shawn when Shawn was a baby.

I was pretty certain he was going to grow up and be extremely handsome like his father. Just the thought of Adrian growing up made me teary because who wants their child growing up so quickly.

"I was thinking we could go to the beach today. Its a nice warm day" Shawn says.

"The beach, we should I haven't been in such a long time and it will be Adrian's first time" I exclaim.

"We should go then!" Shawn says standing up with Adrian.

"Maybe we should take Aaliyah with us, it could be fun all of us together" I say and he nods.

"I'll call her and you can get our things packed" he says and I nod making my way into the room. I pulled out a bag unzipping it and packing spare clothes, sun block, hats and other things. I changed into a plain black bikini putting my shorts on and a t-shirt keeping it simple.

I pulled out a pair of shorts for Adrian and a t-shirt. He wasn't really going to get in the water or do much because he can't even sit up yet. Once I changed and I had the bag ready I changed Adrian while Shawn got ready too.

"Aaliyah's bringing snacks she said" Shawn says putting his shirt on.

"Look at your cute feet, you look so cute I could just eat you up" I cooed at Adrian kissing his cheeks as I picked him up.

"We should get going now, it's going be an thirty minute drive" Shawn says picking up the bags and making sure we haven't forgotten anything.

We picked up Aaliyah and Lea who both were in the back with Adrian, who was sleeping in his car seat.

Aaliyah and I put one direction on which Shawn was not very happy about.

"I really wish I wasn't driving" he groans as I had the aux controlling the music.

The drive seemed pretty quick as me and Aaliyah were jamming out and enjoying ourselves, Lea also seemed to like one direction. Shawn parked up and now it was time to get everything out. Aaliyah put Lea into the stroller but I kept Adrian in the carrier instead of putting him into the stroller.

The beach was nice and warm and it wasn't so hot either which was good because I don't think Adrian would like it if it was too hot. Shawn carried the bags as Aaliyah led the way down the path as we looked for a nice spot. There were some deck chair with umbrellas which was great to shield the babies away from the sun.

I sat down on the middle beach chair and Shawn sat in the other one. We started unpacking our things and sorting everything out.

I took Adrian's t-shirt off exposing his little chubby tummy. I applied some of the baby sunblock Aaliyah gave on to Adrian. I wasn't going to expose him to the sun too much.

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