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A/N: Dec 2023: I started this book 5 years ago. So it's probably bad, and no I'm not going to change anything in this book.

So a few things before reading.

And it's non-massacre/slight AU with timelines.

Obito/Rin/Shisui are alive and well! New plot and war arcs to come.

Main antagonists: you'll just have to see.

Don't skip this book and jump to the second!!

Thanks, and enjoy!!

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Some would agree to disagree when it comes to hate and love. Ōtsutsuki Indra of the main branch family had vowed to kill his own brother for power, which had resulted in many generations of a hateful bond between two clans: the Senju and the Uchiha. The more they hate, the lust for crucifying taste of blood grew amongst both parties.

Even then... the most fearful shinobi to have ever lived known as Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara had been the reincarnations of Indra and Asura. Even with forgiveness, the sizzling of the wound never stopped. Many families had lost loved ones that carried through as a burden unlocking powers that should be kept hidden. The peace amendment should have fixed things? Or was it power that tore one of them away?

And then lies their legacies at the Valley of End; the stone statues that tell many stories of their capabilities during a time of war.


"Hanako! S-SHE IS GOING INTO LABOUR!" Kosuke who was a lieutenant of the moon castle yelled so that many others could hear. The horrifying look he gave which was a premonition of what may come.

"Ahhhh!" A thrilling scream escaped Hanako's lips as excruciating pain erupted from her abdominal area.

"What is happening?!" Yoshiko the husband of Hanako arrived as he heard the news and immediately went to carry Hanako placing his wife on the bed for immediate delivery. "We need medical—"

"We don't have time, we have to deliver now," Kosuke says impatiently as Hanako's hyperventilating screams echoed throughout the halls due to her pain and contractions while trying to sit upright on the bed. Some complications had occurred such as the healthy baby has been draining mounds of her life force and is suffering from extremities of high blood pressure. This has been causing pressure to increase in the arteries making it hard for blood to reach the placenta. She was going into preterm labour which Hanako wasn't due for another three weeks.

"We are almost there, Hanako-san just a few more pushes," Kosuke reassured as Hanako's painful smile etched onto her lips as she eyed her husband Yoshiko who held her hand next to her. The love and duration the two have may soon fade.

Just as she pushed once more, her weak figure was slowly on the verge of death as her eyes were droopy, and slowly was falling into a never-ending sleep. Yoshiko took notice of her state and has been gripping harder than ever to keep her awake.

Small cries crisped the room tension whereas Sashimi ran straight into the room where Aishiko was right behind him. "Oba-san!" The two said in unison who happen to be her young nephews. She knew they would come since the family has always been close.

"It's a girl." Kosuke broke the plausible silence around everyone. "Did you pick a name for her?" Aishiko asked as he softly engaged with the crying child. He cradled the baby to his chest while Sashimi stood behind melting to his infant cousin.

"I-I wa-nt her to be nam-ed M-Mirai.. plea-se at lea-st take c-are of h-er." Hanako knew she would pass on because she wasn't restoring enough chakra to keep herself alive. She looked up to gaze at the others in the room and finally, she drew in her last breath smiling at her husband in hopes he would not blame their child. Yoshiko was shocked and heartbroken next to her lifeless form. Her limp body says that she has indeed passed due to the complication.

"Oba-san!!" Sashimi went to the other side and held her cold hand where Aishiko felt tears brim the corner of his eyes as he stood back. Aishiko handed the small bundled infant to Yoshiko who felt absolutely nothing for the child. He felt lost and helpless whereas he could barely speak. He knew it was coming and would have saved his wife but Hanako wanted him to save their child instead. He will always listen to her wishes and love her like the way she returned her last wish.

Being an Ōtsutsuki clan member of the branch family had its ups and downs. The members were contracting many illnesses and slowly but surely passing away. It's well unknown why the branch family have been slowly by yearly on the moon, becoming extinct. Yoshiko didn't want Mirai to die here at least, and he looked down at the bundled up baby he held in his arms. She was born with no eyes despite her lineage. "She will see her true power when she is older." He didn't want to say any more to the others. Especially to the nephews of Hanako. She certainly inherited the power of Ōtsutsuki Hamura no doubt. It would be years of immense training to awaken the Tenseigan.

'I'll give her my eyes to see in the new world she'll live in. Even then, I'll give up my own life so that the others won't get to her.'



Mirai was a small six-year-old child who bore the burden of abandonment but still doesn't know anything of her lineage. She was happy and loveable in her current position as a child with people who love her. Her adoptive parents who live in Taka Village had found her lying on the ground in front of their doorstep when she was born. And a small note in the basket to take care of her.

"Mama! Mama!" Mirai ran inside to find them eating their food and reading as usual. "What is it, Mirai—" her adoptive mother stopped mid sentenced to see her holding a butterfly untangling itself from a cocoon.

"Now now Mirai, didn't I tell you to not mess with strange animals and of course if they are doing their own thing?" her adoptive mother looked her straight in her pure white orbs and sighed. What a strange child.

"Hai!" Mirai went outside far in the forest to release the butterfly as it was finished with its process. She opened her hands up in this air and the insect flew away. Mirai giggled but soon her smile dropped to the ground as she started to wonder why her parents look so different than her. She decided to rush back to go finish her chores. But something doesn't seem exactly right, the sky was suddenly pitch black; a massive smoke barrier was hovering over the scenery. The landscape had newly scorn scars. There was no sign of the sun due to the smoke. And the first thing that pops up in her mind was her parents.

It doesn't matter, she would die to protect them and live the Shinobi way as she always wanted when she grew up. Her otōsan taught her some Taijutsu basic defence moves at the very least.



Her screams were very loud once she rushed back to her place to find that there was nothing.. no sound whatsoever. The only sound that was made was the crept floorboards that she stepped on. The marred blood-stained walls caused her to fall victim to what was about to come. The floor creaked ominously as she walked on it slowly making her way down the hall. No screams were heard or a sound from any enemy in the house.

She shook violently while staring at the blood-stained floors across the next hallway over. She couldn't help but quiver noticing the red handprints along the walls that would soon haunt her memories.

"Kaasan...? Otōsan...?" she whispered quietly touching the walls delicately. She quivered in place as her body twitched unable to move from where she stood staring at the sanguine liquid trailing across the walls, floors and on broken furniture. It was shock that was taking over her naïveté brain.

"Found you!" A strange man tenaciously grabbed onto her from behind; she lets out a high pitch screech trying to kick them away from here. "Where are my parents?!" Mirai felt her insides twist in horrifying knots. The man sadistically laughed with a menacing tone, and suddenly tapped the back of her neck causing her to fall unconscious shortly after.. Mirai couldn't help but think what went wrong before she passed out.

Where were they taking her?

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