No. 9: What the Future Holds

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Mirai silently would leave the Hyūga compound at night sometimes to freshen her mind. The sight of a waterfall is beautiful when the moon shines upon it. Mirai was capable of being herself, unfortunately, to Itachi's despair, he has been growing busier with the missions he was sent on.

Once she began to walk in the forest silently through a back ally, she noticed all the patches of moonlight shining through the trees upon the canopy. Her heart nearly swelled in such a beautiful sight every time she visited the area. The soft sounds of leaves blowing in the air, crickets singing wild the wind danced.

She walked further down and something caught her eye. Mirai looked to her side and saw Itachi covered in splotches of blood; his blood. She stood unable to move and gazed at his body covered in bruises and inflicted with a few contusions.

"Itachi!" she screamed running towards his body that was unfathomed. She tried to pull him upwards cradling him almost. She tried to examine any major bleedings, but suddenly his arm snaked around her torso pulling her straight down and he was now straddling her with an activated Sharingan. She had seen his animosity deep in his eyes at that moment. Her arms were pinned above her head forcibly while she squeezed her eyes closed.

"It's me Itachi! It's me." Her voice grew quiet, finally, Itachi snapped out of his trance releasing the girl who scooted away from him.

"W-Why are you here?" Mirai asked right away needing to know an appropriate answer. Did he try to...

"I can ask the same for you," Itachi snapped at her, leaning his head against a tree while one leg stretched outwards and the other came to his chest. His one arm rested on top of his leg relaxing full well in the moonlight.

Mirai couldn't help but admire his calm expression and the moon lightly touched his skin. He was appealing to her; his raven hair looked untouched letting strands of locks fall in front of his face stroking the sides of his cheeks.

"I needed air and I like this place, but seemly I don't want to leave you here," Mirai admitted not meeting his gaze. Itachi looked at her adoring the fact her white locks would shimmer at night. He didn't want her to leave and found himself smiling faintly.

"I was training that was all." Itachi was back to resting casually slightly a bit away from the girl.

"Why do you always hurt yourself?" Mirai mumbled, leaning against a tree opposite from him tiredly. Itachi frowned, he doesn't like to admit things. His gaze met the palms of his hands tiredly as he wanted to mention that she was right. He doesn't like how his life turned him into a prodigy and a killing machine.

"I want to protect those close to me. Mirai-chan, you don't know anything about me. I wouldn't pry in on others businesses who don't want pity or comfort. It's best if we head back," Itachi slowly got up keeping his eyes on her bemusement expression.

"O-Oh..." she softly muttered, slowly she stood up and looked him in his deep painful eyes. She knew something was up with him with so much happening. Tearing her gaze away from him to look at the waterfall down below.

"Itachi, come on now. I'll walk you home," Mirai grabbed his arm which he could barely resist her tugging. Itachi looked at her in bewilderment.

"Walk me home?" Itachi was curious as to what she was thinking in that head of hers. "I've been raised to walk girls home, not the other way around." Itachi sneered still, barely making eye contact.

"Don't always go by stereotypes right now, baka. I need to make sure you got home alright." Her eyes were infuriating back at him like a venomous snake. Itachi dryly chuckled at her, "I guess I like the concept of that then." Itachi grinned widely knowing full well the both aren't going to leave each other's company for a bit.

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