No. 38: Mirai's Contradiction

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Briefly, a week had gone by silently and gloomily. Mirai felt more closer to home and just wanted to sleep nonetheless. Shisui has been acting suspiciously weird. He's been trying to pull Itachi away and talk to him privately. She wondered what they were talking about. She silently lifted her arms behind her head to stretch her sore muscles.

"Hey Mirai-chan, would you pass the bamboo water pipes, especially me... Ay?" Ah, she had the water stored in a scroll. She nodded and lifted her fingers using the scroll to summon the bamboo water pipes. It was extremely dry outside and they had been travelling through the land for days already. Most of the days they would make due in the bushes to sleep on and barely eat. Obito patiently waited and she handed one bamboo stick to him.

While Shiori and Ikema took one and passed it on since there is barely water left. "Oi! The village is over this cliff!" Ganmaru yelled happily which made Mirai sulk in depression. 'Would Itachi go back to ignoring me?' Mirai didn't know what to say, she stayed silent and watched them run forward.

She stood back with her hands in her pockets looking down at her feet. "What's on your mind?" It was Kakashi who surprisingly took interest. She scoffed knowing he doesn't care in particular. He just likes prying in other people's business and shove his opinion on them like he doesn't care, then leaves them in the dust to burn. He's good in skill but lacks social skills.

"It's nothing that concerns you. I'll return to Danzō's hut. I don't want to talk to anyone. I'll report to Danzō-sama myself." She grits her teeth profusely. His look left her speechless; eyes that look like they could burn holes in you.

"You don't need to talk about him as if you think of him high worthy. He's no more than a pig in disguise." And then he left in a flash. Itachi had gone back to see his family. Well, mostly to see Sasuke since he missed him dearly. She wished she had a family that loves her like Itachi did. She would never compare to him in strength, having a family and harvesting skills. She wondered how could someone like him would take interest in her. She glanced at the palm of her hand, her unknown powers would cause her immense pain. And yet, Danzō isn't talking. Would Hiruzen know of those celestial creatures? And her connection to them?

Mirai arrived back at the village being greeted by Kotetsu and Izumo at the gate. She nodded and left to go back to HQ. She saw Xanadu in his attire and had his mask on guarding the underground facility. He tried to not beam at her sudden presence, and immediately placed a firm hand grip on her shoulder. His greeting was more of a casual firm nod pulling back. She inhaled deeply and walked inside HQ with her head hung low. She needed to be met with Danzō, her inner voice keeps whispering to end him. End him once and for all.

'What are you waiting for?!'

She was led down the dark corridors that echoed the slightest noise there is. Whether it was a leak, a cane tapping the cold concrete, or blades clashing in one of the training rooms. It was awful; the fouls stench she smelt walking through the depths of the caverns. 'People die down here without remorse from their families.' It was sad and the carvings of each death that happens. The fact that Danzō has cover stories blows her mind. 'If I ever die... I hope Itachi doesn't believe his bullshit.'

The way she walked towards the main room, she felt shunned and unwanted. What would happen if the ROOT killed her? She wouldn't be known of anything or remembered. Or so she thought.

"Ah, isn't it Mirai of the Tenseigan." The voice nearly made her skin burn to ash. The sight of Danzō made her clench her fists tightly trying to contain her wrath. The man nearly laugh sadistically; her mind felt it was under his control all over again. She fought using the power of her Tenseigan to gain control. "Stop it! Leave me alone!"

Truth is, he never did anything at all. It amused him to the core seeing her fall apart. His presence alone makes the girl go into a frenzy. He quirked a single brow at her nonsense. Her eyes flaring blue with a floral white colour of the moon-like white irises.

"What the hell do you exactly want?!" Mirai screeched holding her head tightly screaming in agony. She wanted to know desperately, she wanted to leave the organization that was forced upon her. She gripped her hair locks and felt miserable. The way he grinned mischievously full of wonder. A curious girl. She would gain the title of the Tenseigan user in no time.

"What's with all the yelling?!" A few ANBU rushed in all masked prepare to take down an enemy. However, all they saw was Danzō overpowering the girl with his own presence alone.

"Why can't you all die?!" she flared once again, but someone from behind tried to immobilize her with an earth barrier of some sort. She jumped up activating her Tenseigan at ease flipping through the large stone statues that were aimed at her specifically. This is...

Mirai used a kunai to tear down the stone walls with excessive speed. 'This power... what is it?!' The greenish chakra seeped through her as a protective barrier. 'Tenseigan chakra mode!' Her eyes awakened to the blue-sun irises that glowed in the dark.

Her deep growl and awful kicks made her hurdle the ROOT members across the concrete; hearing the sound of bones breaking reaching her ears. Her eyes scanned for Danzō who held a devious smirk. He unbandaged his arm and left eye, and to no surprise, he had Sharingans embedded in both places. Mirai's Tenseigan was feeding her immense Chakra suddenly and depleting her dryly. 'This Dōjutsu is careless and evil! I don't have much time before this chakra mode depletes me completely!'

I don't think so...

He channelled wind nature chakra in his hand creating a blade clashing with her kunai harshly sending the walls shrivelling down. Danzō had an annoyed look while he pulled away from the fight scene. His disdained look sent chills down her spine. "I can't cast a genjutsu. It seems the Tenseigan is full of surprises each time I test the power of it. I want it in my collection." Danzō grinned evilly at what he was close to doing. His Sharingan was flaring red as if trying to find any weak openings.

And within a few minutes, the chakra dissipated meaning she ran out of time being in that form and fell down from floating in the air. Her feet barely prepared for the landing and skidded down the rocks. 'He won't be able to use the Tenseigan for any gain. It's only bound by Ōtsutsuki blood.'

A strange mysterious voice says in her mind cautiously. Still, her eyes glimmered with blue and white irises in the dark meaning that she can still use part of the Dōjutsu.

"That gift from the heavens alone and has been more sacred than any other Dōjutsu I've come across. I'll have it!" Danzō began to weave his hand signs making Mirai jump back.

"Fūton! Shinkūgyoku!" He inhaled sharply exhaling fūton chakra in many different directions making her dodge his attack with slight struggle from the fūton blasts scattered around the area. She was knocked to the wall by one of the blasts close to piercing her flesh due to the blast damage. Her right arm was dislocated while her left leg wouldn't move.

"You're right. It's a gift from the gods, but I think we're done here." She was heavenly panting from his attack and struggle to stand up. She suffered from some punctured wounds, burns and scratches covering her features. Her hair and clothes were a mess; ripped and rifled all over while her hair was sticking up in all sorts of places.

He looked at her curiously and suddenly his eyes widen in shock when something impaled him atrociously from behind; a stone spear was left off the walls. Her left arm was thrusted forward as if she was the one to have moved the spear with her mind for a kill move from the back. The Tenseigan grants you, yourself to repel and attract objects or live beings. Danzō was naive to not consider all possible circumstances and impaled him with a complete blind spot.

It was so sudden while Danzō fell over dead instantly from that attack. Mirai couldn't hold back anymore and fell over on her good side clutching her stomach roughly thinking of what she had done.

'I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything.' The last person she could wrap her mind around was Itachi smiling genuinely for real. She loved him more than life itself; he was the only person who makes her happy being there for her when nobody else was. Would she die here?

I'm sorry... I wish I could have been here longer.

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