No. 10: Death's Door

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"Obito Uchiha will be our sensei?" Mirai looked to her two new teammates, Ganmaru and Ikema without saying anything to them.

She was furious to say at the least. An Uchiha as their sensei, actually? She could barely get along with one Uchiha as it is. And to say a goofball humorous guy as a sensei?! She dryly laughed inwardly showing no emotions on the outside. Her face was drained with all emotions making her skin jump by the sheer mention of the name Uchiha.

"Yup! He's a former student of mine actually. He's a very aspiring shinobi in the village. I'm sure you all would get along just fine which as to why I appointed him as your sensei is for you all to figure out. Since you guys have just passed the Academy, we need to bring the Konoha shinobi forces back up as quickly as possible. So, tomorrow will be your first official meeting. Let me know if you have any other questions. Have a day to rest, and I wish you all a fantastic day in the shinobi life." Minato clasped his hands together behind the mountain-piled desk. Mirai questioned if his son would turn out to be like him. She severely hoped not... 'what was his son's name again? Naruko? Minako? No, wait... it was Naruto!' Mirai exquisitely thought dramatically.

Mirai couldn't help but painfully smile at the fact. She nodded contentiously not wanting to start an altercation with the Hokage. She knew Ganmaru and Ikema for the past two years as classmates that were from another class, to begin with.

She left in a flash to be on her own. At least she didn't mind her two teammates in the matter of fact.

She soon found herself nearing the Uchiha complex unexpectedly. She gazed at the ancient wood carvings on some of the buildings from the beginning when the village was formed. Mirai wondered if the Uchiha clan is proud to have buildings this old and not repaired so often. She then spotted Shisui helping Itachi train from a small distance. Mirai couldn't help but watch in 'disgust'. She didn't know why Itachi was so cocky, prideful, snobbish, condescending know-it-all, and she still had no idea how contemptuous he could get.

"Oi! Mirai-chan is checking us out!" Shisui caught her eye site lingering on theirs. Mirai flushed pink and turned away furiously from Shisui's comment. Itachi turned his head to see her deviant glare piercing his heart. She turned away attempting to ignore than stare.

"Aweeee come on! We are just about done, in fact, why don't you join us for Ichiraku Ramen." It wasn't a question from Shisui, and Mirai felt a sting of regret going near their compound.

"I refuse. I have other things to boast about actually. Leave me alone," Mirai snorted walking away from the two. Itachi observed her hidden anger and frowned.

"Why are you suddenly so upset? It's just ramen? Unless... you don't like ramen? We can go someplace else, if you'd like." Itachi suddenly questioned making her snap her head back. Itachi could tell without the Sharingan that she wasn't herself today.

"You're so dense, Uchiha. My emotions are none of your concern," she hissed briefly hearing the elder Uchiha Shisui chuckle at her behaviour.

"And so you coming here immaturely; clearly showing something is upsetting you... won't make us question why?" Itachi was poking at her 'wounds' with icicles to gain a reaction from her. Mirai didn't budge and was ready for him or Shisui to get her to say something wrongfully.

"Is it because Obito has been appointed to be your sensei?" Itachi broke her away from her thoughts. Itachi knew that had to be it with the way her eyes darted to his unexpectedly. She wanted to snide at his question. He knew the answer and still, he was bugging her constantly.

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