No. 25: Xan Who?

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A few weeks had gone by and Mirai walked outside to be greeted by Xanadu Bōkui; he is around her age with bright blonde straight hair. Although, his hair isn't shoulder length. He wore a mouthpiece like Kakashi would wear except Xanadu would only wear it on missions. His facial appearance was firm and pale-skinned. He had bandages on one arm and opposite leg. His eyes were a lavender colour as well. And like everyone else in the ANBU, Xan-san wore a grey vest and black pants to match. His mask was tied to his hip with light red markings across his cheekbones.

"Morning, Mirai-san." Xanadu slightly bowed in her presence. She wasn't quite sure why he was so nice to her considering most ANBU members scowled when she walked by them.

"What do you want, Xan-san?" she didn't want to deal with more of them. Especially since she suspects that Xanadu has grown a slight affection towards her which makes her slightly uncomfortable. He is a nice generous, handsome boy around her age, but she didn't want to meddle around with ANBU guards. Especially this one.

"No need to be snarky. I just came by to ask if um... you would like to accompany me on a mission. Don't worry it's a C rank, Danzō gave an approval if you'd like to join." Xanadu twirled his index fingers nervously. Mirai hesitated for a moment and thought that if she goes, Danzō would appreciate more of her efforts. Mirai smiled, "I'll be delighted for once. I just didn't think Danzō would want me going on missions yet." She gave him a fake laugh and squeezed his left hand. 'One step of getting out of here.'

"That's great! Tenshi Hyūga will be accompanying us along with another Jonin Ikema." Mirai stopped dead in her tracks trembling. Her lip quivered at the slight thought of seeing her long-time friends.

"I-I don't think I can go if they are going. Gomen, Xan-san." Mirai bowed her head low apologetically.

"No need to fret over it, they know you're here. And the two actually want to see you! Please..." Xanadu grabbed her hands in his as Mirai couldn't help but smile softly. Even though, Xanadu was slightly touchy. She wasn't thinking much of it. 'So they want to see me?'


Itachi glared at the boy Xanadu and the way his eyes lingered over her body. He didn't like the feeling at all. It was a relevantly new feeling once again. He knew Izumi and many other girls wouldn't like the fact he had his eyes on someone else the entire time. He hated to admit these sorts of things, especially since his own father frowned upon his decisions that sidetracked his work. Even though rumours had spread around the village about him and Mirai a couple of years back, and since she has returned many villagers have been clueing in that she's becoming the Uchiha's distraction once again.

He is realizing what his emotions are telling him and what his heart longs for. "Thinking about her again? Anyways, Lord Fourth assigned us a mission again, it's C rank... I'll explain the details when you change into your proper uniform." Shisui crossed his arms across his chest. Itachi sighed and shook his head from his intrusive thoughts. He wanted to be near her; her presence calms his worries.

"I suppose it's best to get my mind off of things. Is it obvious that I'm distracted? Otō-san says the same thing, my little brother worries about my health and wants me to help him train. Every time I give him a reason, he knows that I lie and he claims that I'm being "avoidant," I guess somethings are hard to keep to yourself..." Itachi slid back out of the police HQ with Shisui trailing him. He sat near the river bank where he originally navigated towards outside the village.

Shisui rolled his eyes as he followed in pursuit of his friend's moves. "Maybe you should ask her out or something. Itachi-san, what would be the worst outcome? She says no? Pfffttt, you sound so nonchalant at times when you don't know what you want when your heart tells you something." Shisui waves in front of his face and rolls his eyes at the passive Uchiha.

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