No. 39: The Consequences

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Her mind was spinning, her body felt like it was sent aflame from the attack launched at her. She slowly opened her eyes to be met with bright white ruining her vision, and the sun peeking through the window caressing her pale skin.

"Mirai!" It was Yui who yelled holding her right hand and she felt her left hand being held as well. She felt her lips curled up in a smile while her whole body was weak.

"I shouldn't have allowed you to have gone back alone." She heard his voice murmur next to her causing tears to swell up.

"I-Itachi..." she felt awfully sad by hearing his tone. Yui looked away witnessing her interaction with the young man. Yui noticed how her eyes showed affection and love in them.

"I'll be outside." Yui stood up in thoughtfulness seeing Mirai smile at her brought somewhat joy in her life. She sighed once she was out of the room hoping Itachi wouldn't screw things up either. And still, she prayed her friend has a full recovery as well. She hated Danzō, and if the rumours are true of him being dead... she felt happy and relieved to hear that.


"What do you mean by that? You have a family waiting, I don't. You can't drop everything for me. I expected to die, but I don't need anyone to save me." Mirai softly says leaning into the palm of his hand affectionately.

"Mirai... you're family to me. You know I care about you. I wish I was there to have stopped it. You're lucky Shisui heard the commotion and helped you." Itachi's words were quiet with eyes that show sadness. Her heart blossomed at his words. She couldn't cry in front of him but still, a few tears fell from her eyes silently.

"Gomen'nasai, Itachi... I wanted to meet your family, but I think I'll be taken away for a long time. I killed him. I couldn't stand the pain he brought on me. I won't be forgiven here—"

"It's been taken care of. Lord Fourth has been informed, but there is no punishment as of now. Lord Third has been pushing for Minato-sama to not let this slide." Itachi looked worried; Mirai couldn't pinpoint whether or not he would fight for this to stay quiet. It's a terrible organization to have yet to find a new leader.

"I will face the consequences. There is no need—"

"It's too dangerous, they'll drive you into a corner till you eventually take your own life. Do you want that?" Itachi's tone was singed with crucial animosity. It wasn't the kind of hate he was holding in for the village. It was the kind of hate held in for the ones running the village. Mirai swallowed thickly and nodded; pulling away from his comfort. She didn't need his lectures, still, she wondered if he was happy that Danzō is dead.

"You speak of 'they', isn't Lord Fourth the one who dictates what happens? What aren't you telling me?" Mirai was fed up with the lies and straightforward her question at him. He didn't respond and pursued his lips in a thin line looking down at her weak form.

"Forgive me, I keep telling you to. There is a meeting being held tonight on the recent incident. And I assure you, they won't touch you in any way. I-I... please have faith in me." Itachi held her hand in his while holding his head low clenching his eyes shut. He didn't lecture her about killing Danzō, he wanted to expose the old man's plans. She was defending herself from what he would have done to her.

"Itachi-nii!" A young boy no more than the age of nine pounced in the room. And then it concluded how Mirai missed her birthday a week ago. 'That's right.. I'm sixteen. Still have been back for about a year and a half.'

"Sasuke... you can't be here," Itachi says a bit quietly. And this is what Mirai hated the most; the way he pushed his brother away like a pest. It slightly hurt her since that was what the village did to her, Mirai felt alone and scared. The Hyūgas took on the responsibility to take care of her, the Academy wasn't how she expected and barely made friends surviving in a purged society.

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