No. 37: Feeling of Comfort

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"I promise I won't leave! You don't have to worry. Oh, look! Shisui wants you to room with him." Mirai tried to persuade him that night. Her mind seems to scream while sweat beads rolled down her pale skin nervously.

"Eh?!" Shisui looked bewildered which didn't help. He shook his head and left the two by themselves.

"Nice try. Come," he entered the room they were to share for the night. Mirai gulped nervously following him in the room with her head hung. How could she be so close to him one night and terrified of his embrace the next?

She still tried to hide her anger but brushed passed him to change into her night silk yukata robe in the bathroom. Itachi doing the same in the room while she changed in the bathroom. His black clothing fitting perfectly over his muscles comfortably.

"I-Itachi..." her voice was quiet as she stood at the doorway feeling anxious. She was about to speak but his black orbs sent a shocking glare at her making the poor girl flinch. She felt her heart ready to jump from the bottomless pit of her chest to her throat.

"I don't get it..." he whispered while deactivating his Sharingan. "What don't you get?" Mirai rescued her arm out to touch his cheek but he stepped back.

"You, myself and everything. I hate denying this enamour feeling. I should be the one apologizing to you," He closed his eyes inhaling the intense air around them.

"You're sorry? For what?" she still liked playing this game of course. Itachi opened one of his eyes revealing his obsidian orbs in the darkroom. He pulled her towards him planting his pale cold lips onto her pink warm ones. At first, she was stunned and then returned the favour and kissed him back. Their lips were moulded together as if they're meant to be in each other's warmth. His hands caressed the side of her cheeks. Mirai wrapped her arms around his shoulders wanting to be in his embrace entangled, safe and the feeling of protection. Itachi bit her bottom lip causing a moan to escape her lips turning him on more. His tongue danced with hers deepening the kiss further. Itachi pulled away and pushed her against a wall with one hand near her head trailing deep kisses down the side of her neck, and her legs wrapped around his waist instantly making his budge rub against her thighs. His right hand rubbed against her thigh making Mirai bite her own lip from his touch.

His other hand rested against her hip to keep her in place. Lust was almost overbearing at this point to just take her then and there and feel her underneath him. Her soft moans were like music to his ears and the way her hands grabbed his shirt indicating she wanted him to fill her with passion and love. She's not ready. A voice in the back of his mind says which made him release her. "When we're older." Itachi smiled and leaned his forehead on hers while sliding his thumb over her right cheek.

"I've been wanting to do that for a long time." He quietly says while holding her close whispering in her hair. Mirai was already melted in his arms using him to support her weight while leaning her head against his chest listening to his heartbeat by the second.

"I love you, I love you Itachi... Please don't leave me." Mirai was the first to say it. While her arms tightly wrapped around his torso avoiding looking at him. Itachi's eyes widen unexpectedly and shock took over. Mirai refused to see his reaction and for once felt relieved to have it off her chest and the bottled-up feelings carry with her. Itachi on the other hand closed his eyes taking her to the bed to lay themselves down. He wouldn't dare let her go or leave her. What was she afraid of?

"I know, I always knew." He says very softly still holding her close to his chest. He slid the blankets over their bodies for warmth. Mirai squirmed slightly settling on for comfort in his embrace. Her arm and head resting on his chest.

And sleep enduring them for the night.

: :

"Oi! We have six more days of travel. We can't lose time." Kakashi looked annoyed as usual while gazing at his former teammates Obito and Rin who chuckled.

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