No. 18: Final Exams [Part 2]

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A few fights had already passed by declaring some of the winners already. Mirai held onto her underlying anxiety that passed through her body. She wouldn't dare look back at her comrades. And even that man Danzō Shimura she noticed a few moments before she walked down to the bottom deck.

"You'll be up in a few.. two more fights before yours. Do you think you can do it?" Mirai jumped slightly seeing Tenshi standing behind her.

"I'll do what I can. I'd imagine the Mizukage's son hiding his trump card for the finale. I can't let my guard down no matter what happens. Never underestimate your opponent, you already witness the ones who thought they had the upper hand, but were two steps behind. Maybe the ignorance is bliss here today." Mirai looked up to the dry sky as another victory occurred.

She already witnessed the defeat between Ganmaru up against Junko. It was a close defeat, but since Junko is from the Sarutobi Clan, he excels in wind style profusely. Ganmaru has his back towards Mirai's direction panting heavily.

Her eyes showed worried while she prayed he at least lives. She doubted Junko would be able to live with himself knowingly he killed one of his own former classmates.

"I-I forfeit." Ganmaru fell to his knees seeing how Junko smiled in victorious; still showed pain all over. Mirai closed her eyes as she did witness her two comrades fight to near death.

Junko was stronger physically wise as Ganmaru had more stamina. If you use proper tactics correctly, Junko would win.

"Junko Senju is declared the winner."

Her heart reverberated against her chest. The noises around her felt numb and all she could hear was the pounding sensation of her heart. Her throat felt dry as if a lump was forming in the pit of her stomach.

"The final contestants please come forward. Ryugura Karatachi of the Hidden Mist, and Mirai of the Hidden Leaf." Fujikaze held his stoic position; he still doubts that this match would end pretty. He couldn't announce Hyūga considering her heritage is still a mystery.

'Something interesting will happen...' Mirai held her head up rather straight. She flickered her body to stand in the centre. She felt all eyes on her and Ryugura who stood facing each other. Mirai wanted nothing but to wipe that smug look off the Hidden Mist shinobi. Her deep seething glare caused a ripple within the crowd.

"The atmosphere is quite intense," Minato looked at the two down below. The Mizukage was a small male who was in his thirties, still looking like a frail child; if not a teenager at most. It was genetic is what Minato heard.

Obito stood still and observed the scene and the same with Itachi on his left side. The others had stood back a bit. He has no idea what Danzō would want out of today, even Shisui has his eyes set quite frankly on the man keeping an eye out.

Shisui knows that Itachi has feelings towards the girl who stood dead centre facing her target. Shisui told Itachi of Izumi who was an easier infatuated girl who would've been a better choice. Still, Itachi held more interest in the mysterious girl for some odd reason.

"As I mentioned with the latest opponents, please don't kill each other." Fujikaze motioned his arched arm down.

"Start!" And with that, he jumped out of the ring. 'This fight terrified him the most.'

"You could just forfeit. It would save you time," Ryugura flicked his ash-blonde hair out of his green orbs that shone brightly. Mirai did slightly tremble and didn't respond.

Her foot stood back awaiting what his first move might be. She felt tingling vibes while the Hidden Mist shinobi dashed towards her at a rapid speed.

'Just as I thought.' Mirai dodged effortlessly as she leapt up in the air and turned. She only used her one kunai that was silver; she wouldn't want to use any of her trump cards either way. Also, the fact she hasn't mastered Murakame obviously. That weapon is dangerous, she didn't want to take any risks. Mirai would refer to it being an S-rank weapon, like the seven swords from the Hidden Mist. Mirai still has no idea what it is. The demonic blade would constantly send horrifying thoughts.

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