No. 36: Itachi's Dissension

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Mirai awoke to the door opening and slamming shut. She clinched at the sound and saw Ume and Ikema in the room. "Wake up and pack your things. We are going to return back to our village." Ume spoke in a venomous tone. She nodded stiffly and sighed. She didn't appreciate the two barging in her room like that. Her mind then wandered to Itachi and hoped he was alright.

Mirai saw how Ikema face turned into a worried scowl. She will be interrogated back at the Leaf for sure while her stomach is in a formidable tangible twist; she hoped Danzō would never find out that her clan reached the earth to collect her. However, she doesn't even know why or for what reason to come now?

"We will be waiting out by the front. I hope you're all right, Mirai-san." Ikema spoke softly, she felt her chest was about to burst from the overwhelming anxiety.

Mirai always wondered what her real clan was like and certainly her parents. It's sickening to find out from another aspect who spoke so coldly towards her. Larashiki... still they spoke about someone named Remora-sama. Who could that be?

Once the two left in peace she began to change to her clothes that were dirt-stained as it is. Her wound still needed medical attention as her thigh throbbed painfully. Once she organized her weapons and carried her slim bag over her shoulder. She left the room and limped towards the front entrance to where everyone would be at.

She seethed in pain and bit her bottom lip in pain. She saw the group near the front entrance and smiled faintly seeing Obito and Rin rush over to her.

"Mirai-san. You're hurt! Let me—" Rin frantically was reaching in her medic bag, but Mirai didn't say anything as Rin used medical ninjutsu on her wound to close the incision. Itachi on the other hand wouldn't let his eyes leave her form. He felt too repelled to do so and wanted to rush over to help her.

"I'm fine. I can't apply much pressure anyhow, I'll manage on the way back. We need to leave now. The horrors from this place give me the creeps." She lets out a low hiss indicating the everlasting thunderstorm, but no rain this day. The tornadoes in the far East were dancing in the strong winds calmly.

"I'll look after her, besides, I don't think she is capable of walking long distances." Itachi approached the two without tearing his eyes away from her. Mirai was gritting her teeth at his comment. What did he mean by not capable? She was confused as to why he's being friendlier now than yesterday where he was avoiding her after finding out some of the truth about her estranged clan. Her clan is after her and he wanted to prevent their goals from happening.

"Awwww~ I'll let you two talk." Rin squeezed the side of her cheek cooing the girl while walking away. Mirai flushed in embarrassment her eyes wouldn't meet his.

"Itachi... I'm not the best at apologizing. I trust you with my life. I just don't want to burden you with any problems I carry. You can stop your caring act." She turned away from him slightly letting her bangs cover her painful look. He looked on the verge of grabbing her and shaking some sense into her.

Itachi didn't want to look weak and show his emotions towards her in front of the others who were finishing up their talks with the Samurai of further business. "Mirai... stop straying away from your emotions. Don't pretend that my confession was a mere act of selfish deeds to get to you. Even if my Sharingan is off I can still read you like a book. Whatever the burden that holds you back... I want to be there to protect you from your demons. Let's talk more once we return. Here grab onto me so you can walk." He outreached his arm from her to take. She blushed madly still turning away from him.

She moved her arm and wrapped it around his freely. Mirai was holding onto him for dear life while she used him to help her walk. Itachi would lie if he said it was slight discomfort but also felt his heart swarm with feelings how her body was pressed up against his side making him want more.

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