No. 43: Balanced of Nature

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Mirai felt the sudden urge to dash through the doors and leave. However, the smug look Larashiki gave her made her stay still. She felt useless and weak by the tremendous fact being here would only tarnish her by her age once she returns to the Leaf.

So Daishinki was her Ojisan? The brother of her mother. Mirai so heard how her mother Hanako had siblings anyhow. The Shiori Otera was in the Yuki dimension, and Mirai wasn't in that dimension at least. She wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"Ah isn't it my little mei-chan. It's been quite a while. Who knows what my brother-in-law has set you up with for the time being you've been away." Daishinki was displaying a fake smile and acting remorseful. 'Probably to get me away from people like you.' Mirai's inside comment nearly made her chuckle. However, there was no place to bring her attention along with sour gods who could kill her with god knows what they're capable of.

Each member has their own trump card, their own abilities, and many chaotic skills that would make someone's stomach flip entirely. Mirai was disgusted by the fact she was connected to them somehow. She kept her mouth shut and her head down in a bow.

She hated herself for doing so. It was entirely against her will. And now Sashimi and Aishiko were nowhere near backing her up.

"What do you want from me?" 'I just want to go home.' Mirai was trying to stay calm and sane while she was here. She would rather be with her Obaasan. Then these insane people, they have no right to take her away from the people who love and care for her. 

"You have Yoshiki's eyes. I think that settles for more than what I was seeking. My sister's husband not only gave you his eyes, but he had also let you roam the world of Shinobi. And now you've grown attached to that vulgar place. I would punish you, but that would be unfair since the regime would think otherwise. Neither was it your choice to take the eyes of another or be sent to another place. Seems that Yoshiki obtained those eyes from Hamura that were passed down to you. Now you can see how precious those eyes are." Daishinki held an amusing smile as he told Mirai of this. She looked appalled by the statement. Punished? But she won't receive punishment.

His Byakugan activated searching for something in her. A curdling smile etched the way onto his lips. "I also notice the demon Murakame latched onto you like a parasite. The brother of Kūsanagi; the other half who is still missing from the frame. We've looked everywhere in that dimension." Daishinki was hinting at something which had grew more anticipation within her. Mirai quivered in her place looking down at her hands.

"Murakame... belonged here?" she was close to summoning the blade and throwing it at him to take. It wasn't something she asked for, it somehow ended up in the world of Shinobi. Especially the Chuunin exams out of all places.

He nodded promptly, "it's only one half of the other sword that's still missing. I would ask for the sword instead, but it's keenly doesn't want to leave your side." Daishinki sighed stepping forward towards her.

"So... I won't be able to leave this place? You'll find me and bring me back? Is that what I'm hearing?" Mirai had everything in her crushed by Daishinki's words. Even then, she would find a way to leave.

"That's not entirely what I said. If you give up the eyes of Yoshiki, then you'll be allowed to leave." His words struck her more and all that was left of hope diminished. 'No way am I going blind here!'

"That's all? If I give you my eyes, you'll allow me to leave?" Mirai still wasn't understanding the purpose of this conversation. She couldn't deal with the crucial chit-chat with a leader who is less powerful than someone from the main branch.

"You seem to know absolutely nothing of how we harvest our chakra and our prowesses. The originating Dōjutsu is what I see through your eyes if someone like myself from the main branch can awaken the Jōgan. You, on the other hand, only can activate the Tenseigan to an extent. If you so dearly want to leave. You may, I won't stop you nor anyone else. Give either the eyes up, or train here to know how to use this power you inherited." Daishinki turned to Urashiki who had a look of amusement. Mirai wasn't so sure if Urashiki is particularly an enemy to her, unlike these other people.

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