No. 2: A New Start!

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Mirai had practised the day before a bit with her physical strength and Taijutsu her father had taught her. She felt the natural energy of Chakra control, but she needs her practice and it'll be a while.

'They'll bully me for sure..'

It was the day she starts the academy and felt a rush of nervousness. Her hands trembled a bit as she tried on the white attire she was given in advance. She took a sharp breath and exhaled.

"Mira-chan!" Viratsuki opened the door to see Mirai looking passively in the mirror as if she was observing something closely. "I-I don't think I am ready." Mirai stuttered and felt a sudden feeling of being out of place.

"You'll be fine. You have a powerful dōjutsu you'll learn how to use when you awaken it. In the meantime please have fun and you'll make lots of friends!" Vira-san smiled empathetically as she escorted outside and slowly navigated towards the academy.

"I'll be fine from here. Arigato Vira-san." Mirai's voice was semi-cold and painful as she didn't turn around to see the poor maid. Vira smiled and left-back...

As Mirai approached the academy and looked down at the paper she was assigned to. Classroom 2-B is what it says she is registered in.

"If anyone asks what clan you're associated with. Claim you're from the Hyūga to relieve suspicion." Hiashi's voice played in her mind as he spoke to her briefly in the morning before she left and navigated her way towards the academy.

She soon entered the building and walked down the aisle. Her long white hair was tied in a ponytail where her side bangs covered half of her right eye. Still, some white locks fell down the side of her left face.

She knocked once on the door and her nervousness exceeded passed her breaking point where she felt shunned out.

"Oh! I was informed of seeing a new student today. You must be a transfer student. I am Juno, your new teacher." The sensei had already ushered her inside causing some whispers around the room. And displeasing looks from the females mostly.

"You may tell the class your name and where you are from." Juno looked at her with his blue eyes grazing over her looks.

"I'm Mirai. And I would rather not disclose where I am from." Mirai looked apathetically as her voice held a small syringe of disdain. She didn't feel much for being there anyways...

"Alright! Nice to meet you. Today has been a short day of lectures. If you're good, you won't need to worry about detentions. Lastly, you may sit next to Kami who has bright blonde hair up top on the right." And Mirai felt a strange tingling feeling that made her shiver slightly. However, Kami was a pretty girl with light blonde hair and silver eyes. But she gave her an awful look as if Mirai is a threat. However, Mirai slowly looked around and observed the class. She is the 21st student and felt odd like the number.

A boy around her age didn't seem fazed about her at all nor took part in the whispers and looked practically not interested. Just like her.. Mirai sighed softly and opened her ninjutsu book and notebook that she would need. Although, she could feel the fangirls swoon over the male. Mirai was confused and tried not to pry into that type of business.

'Tch... I don't get fangirls at all. Just a nuisance to deal with. I just feel bad for him.'

However, the girls were gushing about him in quiet voices and had an envious aura surround them mostly about the new girl. It was as if, they hate when girls join the class.

After an hour passed of him teaching mechanics and proper techniques of postures, weapon usage, and lastly emotion control. The class has been practically silent and tired. Mostly exhausted, Juno shook his head and decided to dismiss a tad bit early.

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